First woman and POC on the moon

What is the carbon footprint for this?

I’m OK with it…just leave my gas lawn equipment alone too.

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It must be important to NASA … they are who made the point to publicize it.

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Right. So…penis!

Your weird obsession is showing.

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It’s REALLY REALLY important… $28 billion important. All will be right with the universe when this complete.

The significance of a penis is not lost on me as it is with progs. It is a statement, written in a language that has been understood by all cultures in all ages to mean “I am a man”.

Sure. Is it important to you?

You have a point…but not for the reason you think. The Harris-Biden administration is incompetent and will not successfully put any one on the moon and bring them home again.

But it’s funny that they think they can. And humor is allowed here… whether it’s important or not.

So…you read this story, got triggered, and had to come here and rant about…genitalia!?

That makes perfect sense.:roll_eyes:


Whose paying the $28 billion, the National Organization of Women and the NAACP?

Not in the least.

(So now, will your next silly come back be “then why are you posting in this thread?” :smirk: )

No. You and I are being forced to.

I don’t get this … whatever happened to Obama’s directive for NASA to improve our relationship with Muslims?


don’t they realize that the gravity of the situation will be considerably lowered?

I have no idea what the timetable is to get someone back on the moon but it very well could be beyond the Biden administration. Do you know?

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Same reason it is important to preserve and fund HBCUs. Young black students get to interact with black adults in leadership positions and that is immensely helpful to them going forward in life.

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I’m surprised to see you equate black people with mentally ill persons who have chosen to act on their perverted sexual inclinations.

Whatevs…you read about black and women astronauts and were moved to rant online about male genitalia.

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Not even close.

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I’m not sure how that related to the OP but that is a very positive thing you speak of and I’m confident it is immensely helpful. I wish there was a lot more of this…across all races.

That’s interesting. I’m going to disagree just a tad. Or maybe not disagree so much as go a different direction.

Those “black adults in leadership positions” in academia are not really in leadership positions unless one is planning to become an academic.

In my opinion, with very few exceptions, it is a mistake to allow academics so much influence on one’s life. Two or 4 hours a week for even 4 years is not that important to “moving forward in life” unless one is seeking to follow their prof’s path instead of their own.

Which of course we see a lot of.

People that age are susceptible to hero worship and prone to character blindness. They are in an academic society during that time. That academic is at the top of that society, the model for success in academia. So of course they seem to be “helpful”, and they are in that context. Then on graduation day, the context changes.

I believe females are slightly more susceptible than males. You see the same phenomena in the military in training, it’s what leads to recruits fraternizing with their drill sergeants or instructors.

In many cases, it is not “immensely helpful” at all in life.

And then of course there is this;

The development of a true consciousness is still the professional function of the universities.

Herbert Marcuse, Essay On Liberation

Even if one denies it (tries to) happens elsewhere, there is no denying it in universities.

“True consciousness” sounds benign enough, maybe even like a “good thing” for a student to develop in school. Until you look in the box.

Are academics truly models for success outside the closed society that is academia?

Again, with few exceptions, I don’t think so.

I also believe this phenomena is at least a contributing factor to why black females are over-represented in advanced degrees.