First Lady Arrives In McAllen TX

That would be fine…if she didn’t put it back on and get off the plane at Andrews.

There was a message there, and I feel fairly certain it was towards Donny Smallhands.

the book she will ghost write is going to be epic

In fairness, there is absolutely no one coordinating anything at the White House, clearly.

That’s not what her spox said.

Which version are we going to run with Donny?

This definitely seems like it was aimed at him.

it has to be. how many first ladies or models are not very specific and careful with every article of clothing they wear? she is both.

Chapter 1: “He Told Me That He Had Big Hands”


I hope they take the babies out of the cages for her visit.


She was scheduled to visit one of the intake facilities (where the fencing is). But she had to skip it because of heavy rain. So she visited the nice place and returned to DC.

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Chapter 2: avoiding the grabbing as if my life depended on it

Oh, I agree. I just like it when multiple explanations flow from the WH. Donald is always second and wrong.

Natch. As usual.

He sure seems to be able to peg the outrage meter for somebody who’s not coordinating anything.


say it aint so

So she’s attacking the Mainstream Media while trying to help her husband’s image on immigration…no doubt that was the message everyone, including “the children” received loud and clear seeing her in the jacket.

I mean, did NO ONE see the back of that jacket and suggest the First Lady wear something else? Or just take it off? Use an umbrella?

I can’t think of a lot of GOOD explanations for her wearing that jacket.

Maybe she’s just this tone deaf and doesn’t get how it would look bad.

Maybe Trump is really trolling us and wanted the lamestream media to whine about it so he could say 'see, they’ll whine about anything, don’t believe their fake news."

Maybe they didn’t realize how bad the weather was until they got there and someone just ran and grabbed the first coat they could off a store shelf for her.

Maybe she really doesn’t care and was wearing it as a form of protest because she didn’t really want to go in the first place so soon after having surgery.

Being a totally unqualified spaz who somehow got elected president can do that; doesn’t really require competence.

Article I read said she didn’t wear the jacket when she visited the facility. But don’t drop a good made up story for nothing.

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She wore the jacket at some point on her visit, otherwise we wouldn’t know about it. Nice try.

Care to share the article you read?