Fired for putting the law above loyalty to trump

so lets get back to the point of this thread.

do you approve of firing someone who refuses to act in their mind unlawfully.
She doesn’t swear loyalty to the President but the law.

who said he could? until and unless a dispute arises to be settled in court the administrations interpretations of law are how law is administered. gao is a congressional watchdog who’s interpretations are binding in the congress. when congress needs an opinion on what the law is they go to gao. when the executive does they have their own lawyers. when the two disagree… bingo! policy dispute.

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Actually OMB didn’t have a different opinion.

The internal memos that were released earlier this year showed OMB scrambling for justification for holding up the aid.

so your cool with firing people who refuse to act unlawful.

internal memos released today showed they lied about justification for holding up aid to Congress too.

McCusker didn’t even hold up anything, nor did she thwart the Administration from implementing what they wanted to implement.

She just said there had to be documentation that the allocation wasn’t going to go out in time.

she is a member of the executive branch, her opinion of the law is irrelevant. she is there to implement the presidents policies and the law the way the president sees it. she does not have the option of substituting her own opinion for that of the president. if she cannot do her job, she should quit. if she doesn’t quit, and refuses to implement the presidents policies, then she should be fired.

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She didn’t substitute her opinion for the administration’s opinion.

I can tell you didn’t even read the story.

That isn’t how the government works, the President isn’t a King.
people don’t swear loyalty to him.

Her job description is to provide her opinions and advice.

The Comptroller is the principal advisor to the Secretary of Defense for budgetary and fiscal matters including financial management, accounting policy and systems, management control systems, budget formulation and execution, contract and audit administration, and general management improvement programs.

you mean they entered into executive deliberations with their attorneys to determine how they could follow policy and the law? yeah, they did that

and when the president decides to implement his policies.

No, Trump gave the order that they followed first…then they scrambled afterwards for the justification for doing it.

No, that’s not her job. That’s someone else’s job.

that is exactly how the government works, and exactly how it has always worked.


The dems throw the constitution out the window when Obama decided he could just write what ever law he wanted as long as he had a phone and his pen.
You reap what you show.
Obama decided he did not need congress and you leftist still defend what he did.
So cry me a river.


Totally relevant because it puts to the lie your assertion they had a different opinion.

It’s not even that difficult. The law is clear…if the aid is going to be held up, the Administration has to provide written justification as to why, and if the hold has a chance to cause the allocation period to be missed.

Your hero Obama did.


yes, that is her job. to provide advise… where is it written it has to be followed or even agreed with?