Finland is now governed by five women

Finns are not Scandinavians.

Some people are always seeking causes to be outraged about.

From Wikipedia:
"While the term ā€œScandinaviaā€ is commonly used for Denmark, Norway and Sweden , the term ā€œNordic countriesā€ is used unambiguously for Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland , including their associated territories (Svalbard, Greenland, the Faroe Islands and the ƅland Islands). Scandinavia can thus be considered a subset of the Nordic countries. Dec 2 2019

Then thereā€™s this from ā€œTourist Makerā€:
Scandinavia is a geographical region, which covers an area of 1,320,323 square kilometers. It consists of 6 countries ā€“ Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Greenland , which is a self-governing dominion of Denmark.

Cā€™mon Morty make up your mind!

Finns are not Scandinavians. They are not even Indo-European.

Trends donā€™t respect borders.

Yes, libs are.

Yes they do. They also respect culture, language and genetics.

No, they donā€™t. Now youā€™re just being silly.

So thereā€™s no difference between the U.S. and Canada?

Thatā€™s silly.

The Beatles.

The Who

Another good example, although mine is better.

Then why donā€™t we have National Health?

We donā€™t like government.

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This thread is about government.

I see no problem giving the two sexes equal opportunity, as long as standards are not lowered to accomodate one sex over another. (See: Military, Uā€¦S)


Who said anything about lowering standards?

Provide, offer, make available; you choose.

I said as long as they donā€™t lower standards as they have done in police, fire and the military in the past.