Financing Abortion Travel

If the plan covers travel for a specific elective surgery, then I doubt the employer would be able to discriminate between employees. Just for example, we only cover abortion travel for single women but not married women. That would run into legal problems.

If the plan excludes elective surgery travel and logging, but includes it for some selected surgeries based on the employer plan design, then the employer can exclude and include based on their designed plan.

It appears that there is an attempt here to apply a logical extreme. That if ANY elective procedure is covered, then ALL elective procedures MUST be covered. I doubt that is the way it works.


Not its not discriminatory to offer a travel and lodging benefit to employees that live in a state where abortion is illegal vs no travel and lodging benefit for employees who live in a state where abortion is illegal. The travel and lodging benefit is to facilitate access to care for the member in an no abortion state.

Its not as if these employees are going to use it for a vacation. the tracel and lodging benefits i am involved in all stipulate its to the nearest in network doctor that can legally perform the abortion.

But I am sure some cretin will try to stop it via the courts.