Finally examples of systemic discrimination?

Facebook Content Moderator: ‘If Someone is Wearing a MAGA Hat, I Am Going to Delete Them for Terrorism’

75-to-80 percent of Posts Selected by Facebook’s Algorithm for Moderator Review Support President Donald Trump, Republicans and Conservative Causes

Does Facebook’s bias constitute an unreported in-kind political contribution to the Democratic Party?

Did Zuckerberg commit perjury when he denied any bias?


IMO he did.

That’s (D)ifferent though.


Yes, it certainly looks that way.

My opinion is that their obvious political bias while claiming to be an unbiased service provider amounts to billions in unreported campaign contributions to the Democratic Party.

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These platforms unfortunately due to their demonstrated bias and the extent of their influence, must be regulated by the government or…shut down? They are too powerful and influential an entity…to not be. There must be common ground agreed upon politically as to what’s fair and then implemented. An election is coming up and this is a platform that can do serious damage to the honesty and integrity of it.

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can the government regulate Fox news?

You know most liberals would be thrilled with some sort of regulation of political content on Facebook, right? Or I guess not or you’d reflexively oppose it.

Fortunately, I left Facebook several years ago. Social media is a bunch of garbage anyway. If we were smart, there would be a mass exodus of conservatives from these biased sites. I left Facebook the day I watched Zuckerberg in front of Congress.

and since libs want to call even unintended bias against a race “racism”, I think the racial demographics of those who get penalized/censored etc would be interesting. Bet it’s disproportionally white. Reasons dont matter either… apparently.

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start your own website called Trumpbook.

Trump TV is in the making. Maybe he’ll expand to a social media platform. Netflix seems to have worked out well for the Obamas. Good idea.

Wherever Trump posts there will go
His 82 million followers and all the followers of his followers

Heads of state and all their underlings and all their followers and all the followers of the followers

Every journalist and all their followers and all the followers of their followers


this has been threatened forever. Just go already. Literally nothing stopping this.

ummmm… if Trump goes, he will go when he is damn good and ready with or without your honored permission.

Threatened? lol okay

that isn’t how social media works.

The world doesn’t care if Trump leaves Twitter or Facebook.

That’s exactly how it works. If you have a following they will follow you.

You think 82 million people will stop using twitter if Trump does?

Also its proven fact that only a small percent of total follower will follow someone to a new service.