Finally examples of systemic discrimination?

No, it certainly isn’t a ''proven fact" by any standard of proof.

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Glenn Beck had one of the highest rated show on Fox.
how many people followed him to his BlazeTV service.

how many of those people simply watched him because he was on Fox, and they were already watching Fox.

how many of Trump 82 million followers you think use twitter solely to see his content.

FNC is not “social media”.

Beck went nuts after his departure from fox and lost a lot of his following, it had nothing to do with his leaving the network.

When he started acting like a religious prophet instead of a political commentator he lost a whole lot of sensible followers and justifiably so.

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How many of those 82 million people will sign up for a new service solely to follow Trump not majority of them.

You have no possible basis in fact for such a statement.

When a TV shows changed network does it keep majority of its viewership?

We’re not talking about TV ratings or TV shows and I can’t think of the last time a major show changed networks.

because they are comparable.

people follow Trump on social media for content.
now many of those people will switch or start a new service for said content.

No they are in no way comparable, you just keep making things up when there is no actual basis in fact for your claims.

so why do people follow Trump on social media, if not for the content he produces.

Social media is not a TV show. It takes about five seconds to read a tweet and at least 30 minutes to watch a TV show.

You didn’t answer my question.

Your question is nonsense.

You keep making claims of fact that have no basis in fact and expect me to react to them as though they were factual.

Not going to happen.

You made something up to start with and just keep making up more to cover for your continued failures.

Katie Hopkin was banned from twitter recently.
she moved to a new website with less then 1/5th of her twitter base followed her.

is she public enemy number 1 of half the population? Is she the leader of the free world?

Who the hell is Katie Hopkins?

When did she serve as POTUS?

All of this kvetching about “We’re going to start our own thing”

Just do it already. So much talk, no action. Provide the free market solution like actual republicans. Nothing stopping you or Trump or anyone who has ever bitched about twitter or myspace of any of it.

123 go, do it:

There is no “free market” where monopolies exist. They are antithetical to “Free Markets”.

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whoops edited instead of posted.

Well that certainly isn’t true. Both FB and twitter control more than 70% of their respective markets. That is an effective monopoly.

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