Figure I might get this in before the outrage that's coming

If not they should go back where they came from.


Heā€™s not your ā€œaverageā€ politician :roll_eyes:

Of course he is. Heā€™s been campaigning since he got elected.

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Trueā€¦ his lying is well above average.

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YEAH and working for the American people while heā€™s campaigning for a 2nd term. Record low unemployment, and the best economy in decades, thatā€™s not the actions of your ā€œaverageā€ politician otherwise Trump wouldnā€™t be able to set those records! :angry: Itā€™s like what the hell were the previous 4 or 5 Presidents doing?

Oh, heā€™s WAY above average.

Maybe president Biden or Warren will suit him betterā€¦maybe Bernie. :wink:

You donā€™t think using the power of the presidency to enrich yourself personally is authoritarian?

Come off it even he is not that dumb

Itā€™s not going to happen.

I love how Trumpster rejoice in Trumps displays of corruption <3


Trumps corruption is coolā€¦:sunglasses:


It hasnā€™t already happened. There werenā€™t any tax cuts that Trump himself benefitted from or anything.

Funny how the so-called expert state where it was unconstitutional.

No, heā€™s a far far above average dotard. The best dotard ever. Believe me.

Take it up with congress then.

The buck keeps stopping over there somewhere. Why is that?

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Who writes the tax laws?

Not to those he is helping.

I guess you need to look that one up. :wink: