Fighting Islamophobia for the Muslim vote

Stuart Seldowitz was recently arrested harassment of a Halal food car operator in New York City. Ironically he had worked Obama’s state department dealing with Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other countries with large Moslem populations.

On the other hand, reports indicate that Seldowitz also harassed Russian women diplomats as well, which demonstrates equity and inclusion.

Is he a prime candidate for the Biden administration Moslem outreach program or perhaps Middle East negotiations?

Another obscure story, about another obscure individual. The law of large numbers proving that no matter how much of an outlier something is, it can be found, and someone wishing to wield a big brush will shamelessly use it.


And yet the left attempts to tie everything they can to Trump or MAGA. For example “The greatest threat to our democracy is MAGA republicans .”

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And just what is unexpected about that? Not being rude, just not surprised by the progressive left acting like a bunch of commissars.

Yes, if Seldowitz were a random guy who left a positive comment about Trump, the media would be saying is proof that Trump is responsible for all the bigotry in America. On the other hand, don’t expect any real questions about the obvious connections with top Democrats.

Seldowitz was a guest at Obama’s first state dinner in 2009.

He was a top official at a New York-based lobbyist group.

Seldowitz is part of the elite of the Democratic Party and the Washington establishment. The mainstream media have been largely silent about the implications, but Caitlin Johnstone had this to say:

That such a horrible person could climb his way to the highest echelons of the world’s most powerful government — working on Palestinian affairs no less — illustrates an important point about the US empire and what it is. There are no barriers stopping such creatures from rising to the top of that power structure, just the opposite in fact — they get an express lane to the top. That’s why bloodthirsty swamp monsters like John Bolton, Lindsey Graham, Victoria Nuland and Elliott Abrams find themselves so intimately involved with US policymaking.

That’s the true face of the US empire, right there. That’s the empire at its most honest. Not dressed up in affable charm and slick PR work, but sneering and hurling racist invective at immigrants who are just trying to do their jobs in peace. Not performing carefully rehearsed faces of compassion for the Palestinians who are being “tragically” and “unintentionally” killed as “collateral damage” in Israel’s war of “defense” against Hamas, but staring right into the camera and saying “If we killed 4,000 Palestinian kids, you know what? It wasn’t enough.”
This Is The Real Face Of The US Empire

Nice, another America is evil article.

The people who run things in Washington certainly have done a lot of evil things.

We have best government money can buy.

i am sure you heard about the three Palestinians college students who got shot in Vermont. it was in all the papers.

not a left-right issue.

anti semitism is bad
anti Palestinian is bad.

a pox on both the anti semitism and anti palestinian houses.


It isn’t a left/right issue for me. I stand against all violence but leftist rhetoric is fueling the fire of hate my friend whether you’re aware or not and although we do not know the details yet, Vermont leans left.

Now again I must ask you…

already answered. three palestinians shot.


And another America is a bad place sentiment.


Sick !

What’s really sick is the left supports them over the Israeli’s.