Fifth GOPer to retire "It is exhausting and often embarrassing”

Yes, we should remember the Alamo.

Another RINO hack who is facing loss in the Primary and using the anti-Trump lame excuse. :roll_eyes:

What are your thoughts on the GOP keeping this seat?

Yep. You know I am in that camp as well. We have an immoral President, who breaks the law and creates racial tensions, and the GOP sits their and blames the Democrats.


Illegal immigration has gotten worse under Trump. That’s a fact. Once Trump got in office, the illegal immigration went up. On top of that children are being denied basic necessities and dying, because of Trump’s policies.

I agree: Illegal is illegal, and they should go back to their mother country and re-enter the correct way, but our President is doing in an immoral fashion and creating enemies.


Yep…because relatively, our economy improved even more compared to the economy they are leaving. What our President is doing, is attempting to finally stop this problem from exacerbating even more, even though the incentive to break the law, is increasing.

Trump is just a bad human. And he’s worshiped by Christians.

It’s like the Christians around Henry VIII.

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But, we have learned, that fat donnie will not be held accountable for anything as long as he is in the WH.

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You’ll get an answer once someone from AM radio talks about it.


The truth is Trump is doing great. Look at the economy and our standing in the world.

Our standing in the world.

Holy crap.



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Oh yeah; “America first”, dictators second, and telling allies to go ■■■■ themselves has really elevated our standing in the world :roll_eyes:

Fat donald is literally exchanging love letters with a murderous dictator. :rofl:


I’m old enough to remember this


Illegal immigration had been going down for the past 20 years. In fact, Trump bragged in a tweet last year that illegal immigration was at a 40 year low. Since that tweet, the numbers have been gone up slightly.

You claim he’s trying to fix the problem, but I see it like this: You have a rash. You go to the doctor. The doctor gives you medication. It turns out the rash broke out even more. Would you really praise the doctor for treating your rash? Of course not.

Our economy has not really improved under Trump. Its basically been relatively the same. Obama’s job numbers were better, Trump’s wage numbers were better.

My concern is that we’re not dealing with the problem in a humane fashion. Denying children bed sheets and soap is not solving the problem, nor is separating children from their parents.

As did Kings between each other in the Middle Ages.

Then let’s make this simple, remove the feelings and fix the rash by…unitedly agreeing to build a big, thick, steel wall. This will slow things down tremendously and allow the agents to do their jobs effectively and not be overwhelmed. There’ll be no pictures of kids in cages because there won’t be any. Can we all agree on this and unitedly fix this problem?

Yes, fix the rash, but take different medication. Continuing on the same medication, will only lead to more division, more destruction, more illegals. That’s why we need a presidential switch. We need somebody who is mentally sane.

The wall is only a quarter of the problem. You still need to worry about the tunnels, the expired visas, and coming here through boats and planes. The fact we’re putting so much energy into the wall shows how misplaced our priorities are.

BTW, when is Mexico going to pay for this wall? The President promised that we wouldn’t be paying for it. Now they are raiding the military funds to pay for something, we were not suppose to pay for.

If…it’s true, that it’s women and children trying to get across, they aren’t going to be very effective at digging tunnels or having access to boats or planes. Build the wall and by far the majority of everyone will be prohibited from crossing illegally. Even if it’s men, the amount of time and effort necessary to circumvent the wall…is the time needed for our very capable border patrol to apprehend them.