Fifth GOPer to retire "It is exhausting and often embarrassing”

The guy who killed the bill in 2017 and he now has to do Constitutionally dubious things to get the money for the wall that he had legally appropriated through Congress?

That guy?


He didn’t have to explain or defend them. He could have had integrity and spoken honestly about them.

It is never you saying your part of the problem.

Brilliant idea. Send someone who not only won’t compromise into a den of people who won’t compromise, but also sends a bunch of 3rd grade tweets when they won’t compromise.

What could possibly go wrong?

Eh? :sunglasses:

You sent them a person who has lined his pockets with the money he’s saved by employing scores of undocumented immigrants. And he’s still doing it.

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…and if so, he should be called out on it? The laws should be enforced and employers of illegal immigrants should be prosecuted…Trump included.

Yet here in the past when I said the bigger problem was the hiring of people you took the sympathetic approach to business owners.

It is unrealistic and would be very damaging to the economy to deport all undocumented people. Why don’t you get that?

That is why compromise is needed.

Yes. That being said, they’re an important part of the economy that we’ve come to take for granted. I don’t have a solution.

The laws haven’t been enforced and some businesses have gone the way of hiring illegal aliens. It should be announced to everyone, that on a certain future day, the laws will be enforced. The future date should allow time for these businesses to react positively. I’d say 6 months out…and then enforce the laws.

And then we lose millions of our labor force. What could go wrong?

Unfortunately this is how this kind of stuff evolves.

Reminds me of the stories of small businessmen who voted for Brexit that came out in the days after.

Many of them had workforces consisting of people who were citizens of other EU countries and now were upset that the the thing that they had just voted for was going to cause them to lose a lot of their workforce.

The utter surprise in their voices when they realized that Brexit wasn’t just some abstract thing that had no impact on their lives…


Exactly this happened in Georgia


Why would you feel sorry for anyone other than the Republican that said what you just quoted?

That’s a weird response dude.

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Make that six.

Is there something going on in Texas that we should all know about?

Well, certainly the president having employed (and maybe still employing?) a large number of illegal aliens makes it a bit complicated from a prosecution standpoint…

Mayor Pete said it best the other night (sorry I couldn’t find the short clip, so start the video @ 7:49

Hmmm…the only Tom Davis congressman I could find is a lobbyist who retired from Congress in 2008. Obviously, this had nothing to do with Trump and we don’t know why the current Congressmen retired. Congressmen do retire, you know.
Oh…and don’t you think that thread title is a little misleading?