Fifth Column Republicans work to preserve Obama’s arbitrary DACA policy

Take 2:

“Why would that be? What do you suppose their motivation is?”

Are you now admitting the Fifth Column Republicans mentioned in the OP are not Freedom Caucus members, and you made that crap up?


Take 3

““Why would that be? What do you suppose their motivation is?”’”

That doesn’t matter to Agent Provocateurs whose mission is to give cover to Fifth Column Republicans. Making crap up has always been the stock and trade of communists, socialists, progressives and others who do not believe in the rule of law and America’s constitutionally limited “Republican Form of Government” guaranteed in our Constitution’s text.


They are not “liberals”. They are part of a Fifth Column movement which has no intention to adhere to our written Constitution and its legislative intent which gives context to its text.

DACA should be preserved. About 83% of Americans are for preserving DACA.

As I expected, Hillary Clinton won in some of the Republicans’ Congressional districts that the OP listed above.

Carlos Curbelo, R-Florida - Clinton won his Congressional district by 16%.

Jeff Denham, R-California - Clinton won his Congressional district by 3%.

David Valadao, R-California - Clinton won his Congressional district by 16%.

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Florida - Clinton won her Congressional district by 20%.

Stephen Knight, R-California - Clinton won his Congressional district by 7%.

Ermagerd moderation! That turrible.

Does that 83% also support American Citizens being turned into tax-slaves to support the economic needs of these foreigners? How about American Citizens being taxed to pay for these illegal entrants college tuition while they have to pay for their own children’s tuition as well? Does the 83% you mention support that crap as well? And what about taxpayer financed public housing and Medicaid which these DACA “children” enjoy? Does the 83% you mention also support American Citizens being taxed for that as well?


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance a maternity ward for the poverty stricken populations of other countries who invade America’s borders to give birth.

Well Chris? You never answered my questions. what gives?


DACA is clearly a net benefit to the economy. Most Americans along with a lot of mainstream conservatives are for DACA continuing. It is mostly those within the alt-right who want DACA completely done away with.

You didn’t answer my questions. You asserted: “DACA should be preserved. About 83% of Americans are for preserving DACA”.

In response I asked you: Does that 83% also support American Citizens being turned into tax-slaves to support the economic needs of these foreigners? How about American Citizens being taxed to pay for these illegal entrants college tuition while they have to pay for their own children’s tuition as well? Does the 83% you mention support that crap as well? And what about taxpayer financed public housing and Medicaid which these DACA “children” enjoy? Does the 83% you mention also support American Citizens being taxed for that as well?


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance the economic needs of millions of poverty stricken, poorly educated, low and unskilled aliens who have invaded America borders.

The DACA EO will be one of Obama’s lasting legacy.


Which was part of his desire to destroy America from within.


Without a Fifth Column Media, Yellow Journalism, Hollywood, and a corrupted FBI, Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama, would be making license tags in a federal penitentiary

Why would these Republicans want to destroy their own country?

DACA persons for the most part are productive and well educated.

They certainly wont destroy America, DACA is a net positive for America.


You did write “for the most part”. How many “DACA persons” are receiving taxpayer financed benefits? Eh?


There is no magic wand in government force which changes the definition of thievery. Those who use and rely upon government force to gain possession of the product of their neighbor’s labor for their personal economic needs are complicit in the act of thievery.

Not based on anything factual.

Most of them were raised on welfare and many still are.

What do you mean by welfare? They aren’t eligible for means tested benefits like food stamps, cash assistance, Medicaid, etc.

Of course they are as minors.

Which program are they eligible for? Undocumented immigrants are explicitly disqualified from SNAP and Medicaid.