Fifth Column Republicans work to preserve Obama’s arbitrary DACA policy

So, if somehow a bill was to pass the House and Senate that legalized DACA but did not receive any balance in either enforcement, border wall, or immigration reform, would Trump sign it or veto it? I don’t think he could sign it unless he has decided not to run for re election.

All of your sources refer to US-born citizens being eligible. DACA immigrants are not eligible. We’re talking about a group of people where the majority are under the age of 25.

No they don’t. Try reading the article about the Texas study in particular.

I know you may find this difficult to accept but many illegals, including many eligible for DACA got through life on forged documents that made them eligible for all sorts of gov’t freebies.

Of course 83% approve. I approve. But I approve of it with increased border protection, increased immigration enforcement and and end to chain immigraton.

If CNN were honest they would have included a question of whether DACA should be continued by itself or whether it should be combined with some or all of those reforms.

They were just asking in a way to suit their agenda.

Let’s not forget all of the benefits given to unaccompanied minors either… .

The Texas article confirms that they are not eligible for means tested benefits like SNAP, cash assistance and Medicaid. To even get close to a majority being on “welfare”, it has to include reduced lunches at school - which costs about $450 per student per year. The horror!!

Your crawfishing is noted.

What’s 450.00 X 1,00,000?

1,000,000 that is.[quote=“WildRose, post:69, topic:868, full:true”]
Your crawfishing is noted.

What’s 450.00 X 1,000,000?

Damn it!


A good investment for educating those who have grown up here and are, for all intents and purposes, Americans.

The fact you agree with it doesn’t change what I stated and you challenged. Most of them have grown up getting some form of welfare.

That is exactly how our Fifth Column media and Yellow Journalists operate. They even rig their polls to obtain desirable results.


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance the economic needs of millions of poverty stricken, poorly educated, low and unskilled aliens who have invaded America’s borders.

And that is why American Citizens want illegal entrants ejected at the border.


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance a maternity ward for the poverty stricken populations of other countries who invade America’s borders to give birth.

That’s only a small part of it.

Most Americans seem to favor some sort of a pathway for DACA recipients to earn legal status, eventually even citizenship but if we don’t secure the borders we’re simply going to lose the country in another generation or two.

“Fifth Column” doesn’t get as much play as “Deep State” and it’s a damn shame.

I blame the Illuminati.