Female athlete complains about competing against transgender males

When I joined the Army, it was illegal to say you were a homosexual.

During my time in the Army, it became optional to say you were a homosexual.

I too got out before being a homosexual became mandatory.


I liked what the comedian Michael Jr said about it.

He said he was asked if he was pro gay.

He said “pro gay? No i’m not pro gay…or amateur gay either…I didn’t even know they had a League”.


Dems mandate men in the girls locker room.

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… champion drag queens story hours too.

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What an outrageous conspiracy theory.

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Already banned here (in public is still legal in private but with an 18 year old age limit) along with gender surgeries for kids.

The left says " Anything a woman can do a man can do better". Especially being a woman.

Hee, hee, hee…

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The international track and field governing body has banned Trans women (men posing as women) from female competition. World athletics justification is the need to protect female sports.

World Athletics to exclude transgender female athletes from women’s competitions World Athletics is the governing body for track and field and other international running-related events

"In terms of DSD [Differences of Sexual Development] regulations, World Athletics has more than 10 years of research and evidence of the physical advantages that these athletes bring to the female category.
"However, there are currently no transgender athletes competing internationally in athletics and consequently no athletics-specific evidence of the impact these athletes would have on the fairness of female competition in athletics.
“In these circumstances, the Council decided to prioritize fairness and the integrity of the female competition before inclusion.”


10 years of research to find out men are on average stronger then women, what a waste of money.

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They knew it without any research. It took this long to realize that the Trans Activist story line doesn’t play among the majority of the public, especially among real women.


It’s like the 45 year old cycling poser who just won the race. beating the 20 somethings. He only entered female cycling 5 years ago and has won over 20 races. And he isn’t alone. A former femal champion just quit the sport because she is getting defeated routinely by men posing as women and has had enough.

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Fight 'em in Kansas!


In Indiana and Idaho


It is not gender affirming, it is crazy affirming. Never support such crazy. Disparage it.

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Looks like a biological male won the Australian Women’s Classic golf tournament recently. and the biological female swimmer who has been vocal about competing against a biological male was physically attacked by “a man in a dress” at a speaking engagement.

I truly don’t care if you choose to live by a different gender than you were born. Adult people can live how ever they like. I just think that women’s sports are for biological women. I also think that children should not be exposed to a sexually charges environment or pornographic books in the school library. If you as a parent want to read certain books to your kids , I suppose that your prerogative.


And now Riley Gaines has been attacked by a woke mob for her pro-woman stance.


The emperor has spoken.

Saw a picture of the golf winner. For a woman, she really does have good muscle development.

What with a Republican congress, Biden has just given up on passing laws. He just announces edicts.