Female athlete complains about competing against transgender males

No worries. Its actually really easy to remember: transgender people don’t like being misgendered, therefore a trans man is FTM because if they consider themselves a man, being called a woman would be misgendering them… and vice versa.

Nothing. Let go of the apron strings.

…who may be the best mindset on this discussion, who says you’re full of crap. Transgender females should not be competing against women.

I understand now what you were trying to say and this has nothing to do with apron strings or black people. The transition from it being acceptable to be ■■■■■■ to a minority group to it not being ■■■■■■ is something experienced by many minority groups. Racism was just one example.

In a few decades time the discrimination that is aimed at transgender people now a days will be look upon like we look back at the discrimination of women, blacks, and other minority groups of the past.

Doesn’t matter what she says, the point is that transgender people are slowly becoming more accepted by the right.

Sports competitions should be between people of similar ability in so far as the competition is considered fair regardless of sex or gender.

Are you really this bitter internally? No one is slamming transgender. What I am slamming, is the unfairness that just because a healthy, stocky, very strong male, decides that they are now a female, this gives them the right to compete against biological women. Caitlyn…one of the finest athletes ever born, who has transgendered…says it’s wrong and unfair. You though, in your quest for virtue…claim otherwise and all you’re doing, is hurting all of those females, who practiced for years…and can now never win fairly. Congrats. Your virtue is at the cost of the athletic future of innocent females.


This. Let there be MtF and FtM teams.

They have different weight classes in some sports, even among the distinct male/female segregation, so why not? The reason these classes exist is because they want to make sure things are fair in regards to body structure, weight, and muscle mass.

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You are right, but be prepared for the argument of, “they have been on E for a while, and that diminishes their testosterone-fueled benefits.”

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I completely agree. Only problem is, it would go bankrupt in a month. lol

Yep…all those who talk transgender, wouldn’t financially support transgender. IOW…they wouldn’t put their money where their big mouth is.

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I feel like I want there to be three to four separate age categories in addition to weight classes.

It broke my heart to watch Evander Holyfield get put down like that the other day.

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I’m not bitter at all. Internally I’m probably umami.

There are people in this thread calling transgender women “psychotic dudes putting on a costume”. If you aren’t saying ■■■■ like that, then I’m not talking about you.

You don’t “transgender”, you “transition”.

Speaking of “virtue”, look at you talking about “innocent females”.

They can still win fairly. Just match them up appropriately.

Why do you feel the need for division? In my neck of the woods, those are all called human rights.

:thinking: That kind of depends on how you look at the meaning of trans.

They probably wouldn’t fund it because, “this is just like 1960’s segregation! Trans women are women!”

I’ve…met a lot of trans women and enbies (non-binary- NB, sound it out) folk, and, my experiences really aren’t…that great. I can’t put my finger on it.

Every enby me (and even a close friend who used to work at Starbucks) would encounter, would be rough around the edges when dealing with other people. By this I mean they aren’t necessarily kind- they claw when they hold, if you get what I mean, if holding is interacting with other people.

But then again, all of them we have met also had an extensive history of trauma and just rough life. It’s hard to be nice when you are trying to figure out whether someone is going to betray you I guess. A lot of them say they have been molested, sexually trafficked, and other stuff. Very heartbreaking.

ETA: Well that was more than I wanted to share. Apologies if I derailed the thread.

ETA2: I’m sure there are good trans/NB people out there, but I have yet to meet one in real life. It’s probably just my anecdotal experiences so please don’t jump down my throat.

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I get what you’re saying. Trauma is no joke, and neither is enabling it to manifest as if it were normal.

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You and I both know that.

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And what those “human rights” include has grown over time and not evenly across political demographics.


These people need help, they need mentoring and counseling. Same with the DDlg BS that keeps making its way into anything and everything.

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But in this usage “trans” is short for transgender.