Feinstein Wants Senate to Stop Confirming Judges

She needs to read The US Constitution.

Would she be saying this if the count was a 6-3 democratic lead? No

I think a good place to start is limiting the power of all these courts (Even the lower ones) as well as nurturing executive orders by the president. We have become a country that fewer laws are passed and the presidents are making sweeping EO’s many of which go straight to the Supreme Court. The house has become irrelevant.

Does McConell’s reelection count as a “tragedy” in your prediction. :slight_smile:
I wish I had more trust in the leader of the senate’s respect for the voters from the other party.

No. The death of a SCOTUS Justice would be a tragedy.

She’s not talking about the SCOTUS, she’s talking about Federal Judges in the lower court’s.

Do California first.

I believe he would have. Better Garland then someone more radical Hillary would likely nominate. Having said that, I strongly believe Obama would have pulled Garland at Hillary’s request.

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There’s no logic to your argument. We still don’t know if Trump has been rejected. The threshold has not yet been met.

Well, bless your heart. I’m sure you think that.

Thank you. My heart could do with a blessing.