Federal judge blocks California law to force disclosure of Trump's tax returns

He shouldn’t have said he would release them.

So you are saying that the info in contained in the tax returns is of worse effect than the “what is he hiding” speculative information?

I know. You are correct. Integrity is often lacking. It would be nice if he had the integrity of Obama, Clinton, Biden, Warren or even Kamala Harris.

no i am not

American’s should not be required to tell the govt anything about their income… That’s real freedom!

My tax return has no indication of who I owe money to. Nor does yours. Nor would Trump’s.

Wishful thinking won’t change that.

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Even if they show NOTHING you are hoping for, it wouldn’t change your mind.

Oh well …

( shrug )

Forum shopping & Judge shopping does happen, obviously.

This wasn’t such a case. The overall venue was the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California, appropriate because it includes Sacramento, the capital of California, home of both the legislature that passed the statute and home of the executive branches who would have been tasked with enforcing it. And the case was specifically filed in the Sacramento Division of the Eastern District. Even though the Judge in this case was appointed by G.W. Bush, he is not considered a doctrinaire conservative by any standard. Bush generally was more yielding in consulting with the home State Senators (then Boxer and Feinstein) in making District Judge choices.

The simple truth is that not even a liberal Judge could ignore the simple fact that this law failed Constitutionality on blatant and obvious grounds.

Well, maybe milk glass clear.


Did you read the article?

So the legal question will be: Is Congress’ purpose in seeking the president’s tax returns legitimate? As an initial matter, Congress cannot plausibly argue that it is exercising its impeachment authority, since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic leaders have explicitly disclaimed that the House is conducting an impeachment inquiry.

Your article is from April…

Yesss??? There has been some court case to make the discussion invalid?
Has the Constitution been amended since then?

You might have missed it… The House Judiciary committee voted to start an impeachment inquiry…

Now go back and read the article…

They are back and forth on whether it is really an impeachment inquiry or, if it is, what that means.
Let them try to get ahold of those taxes by stating it is a part of an impeachment and we will see.
Though I suspect that calling it that may be an attempt to increase their subpoena powers.

“The party-line vote came as House Democrats have struggled to define the committee’s probe, with Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler saying the committee is conducting an impeachment inquiry, while House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic leaders are refraining from calling it that”

Ya, think?

Link to the written Opinion of the Court, just released today.

What’s your surmise?

Which line on the tax return would show that?

I concur with the Opinion of the Court in full, both as to the result and with the reasons given.

Well, there we have it.