Federal judge: asylum seekers cannot be sent to mexico (4-8-2019)

I don’t belong to a party either (although I am still registered as a Republican)

So you can screw up the primaries?

No, my attempt to keep the state in check.

…and also because I self-identified as a Republican for most of my life

How do you do that?

By making sure the fringe candidates don’t make it to the general where they will have no chance. I am of the opinion that 1 party in control is detrimental longterm whether I commonly agree with them or not.


Seeking economic relief and free government cheese, which is what these asylum seekers are really after, is not a legitimate reason to seek asylum.

Additionally, President Trump, by the terms of our Constitution, is empowered “To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions”

Our Constitution is not a suicide pact!


Unwanted immigration is now costing American citizens over $18 billion a year in healthcare costs alone! Far more than the measly $5.7 billion asked for to build a wall! LINK

Until it comes time to discuss the 2nd…

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Democrats will not allow that. They want to flood this country with illegals. Their actions prove it.

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Even though they were 51 Republicans:

McCain, Flake, Collins.

They never had the option to use the nuclear option. The above, alone, would have prevented that.

Another “rinse & repeat” resistance strategy of leftist activist judges! It will be overturned at the Supreme Court and just gives more time to dump illegals into the country as it winds it’s way through the judicial system so the only losers are the American people and our sovereignty as a nation.

Every activist Federal Judge who has their ruling overturned at the Supreme Court should be dropped kicked off the bench! IMO

This is certainly what is being implied…if a judge was appointed by Former President Obama, they don’t have to be obeyed.

@Safiel Are you in agreement with the bold statement? Every Judge who is overturned at the USSC should be removed from the bench?

Is it not the truth? Why do we need illegals?

The 2nd doesn’t force you to commit murder. Or suicide.

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No it isn’t. That’s not what’s being “implied” at all. What’s being implied is “no freaking wonder.”

“Obeyed”. Interesting.

Nor does granting amnesty to the downtrodden

Asylum claim are not illegals.

Downtrodden? An appeal to pity?

I thought the DACAs were going to college, paying taxes, contributing?

Yes they are.