Federal deficit jumps in July by another $77 billion

These silly threads are simply Trump bashing threads that have nothing to say. At the end of Trump’s term we will see where we are at in regards to the deficit. Continuing to declare Trump a failure after 18 months in office is just; well; its just plain old frothing at the mouth Trump-hating.

Currently their outrage is laser-focused on football players disrespecting the national anthem. Once everyone’s standing at attention they’ll get back to outrage over deficits and debts.


You are funny

President Obama came very close to having 3% growth in 2015. The Unemployment rate under Obama dropped from 7.8% in January of 2009 down to 4.7% in December of 2016.

close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades

Meaningless spin would be a more appropriate description.

The only way a balanced budget happens is by constitutional amendment. Otherwise the D’s have their “pet budget area’s” and the R’s have their own “pet budget area’s”.

What Republican Media? For at least the last 20 years the majority of the Television and Print media has been left wing leaning. You saying little fox news and Talk Radio is more powerful than the big three over air channels and CNN/MSNBC and such?


The Iraq war wasn’t on the books when Obama took over. He added the cost to the budget.

This topic is totally silly.

Why do I say this? Because neither party gives a rats ass about the deficit unless it’s the other party who is running it up. Both parties suck on this issue. Both party’s love to increase spending. They are hopelessly addicted. They suck bigly. I’ve had it with the stooopid finger pointing as if either party really cares. Everybody knows this, yet few people are willing to admit it.

Uh, the deficit was projected to triple before Obama was even sworn in. And we didn’t achieve 3% growth in 2013 & 2014 because of the ■■■■■■■ GOP sequester and austerity measures.

Obama didnt double the deficit

it appears that Obama wasn’t the libbiest lib in libtown as Fox hammered home for 8 years.

Thanks, that’s what I figured. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I remember the cost being 1 trillion dollars.

The media leans firmly fight and has done so for at least thirty years. Geaorge Bush got a free pass due to this. That is just for starters.

I do know Trump is on pace to increase the debt double what Obama did…sad.

The CRA, eh? Interestingly, some lending institutions were covered by the CRA and some were not. Now if the CRA were responsible for bad loans, then those lending institutions under the CRA would have failed at a higher rate than those not under the CRA.

But the exact opposite occurred. The lending institutions not under the CRA had higher failure rates than those lending institutions under the CRA. One could argue that the CRA helped protect those institutions under it.

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Sometimes I prefer not to look. I know its there and I will get to it but it aint gonnna make a damn bit of difference if I am held accountable.

But Donald was heralded as the bigly Messiah, saving us from the gridlock of bipartisan corruption! He was going to drain the swamp, build the wall, erase the debt, eliminate ISIS, prosecute Hillary, kill Obamacare, and make us all say Merry Christmas!

What happened?! Oh yeah, he was full of ■■■■■ Most Americans saw right through him.