Federal Appeals Court - Individual Mandate

If you read your policy and buy what you need then yes. Your insurance company will take care of what it is contractually bound to take care of. No more, no less.

What you buy and what you want covered should be on your shoulders. Not that of a government bureaucrat.

Back to only healthy continuously employed people having the privilege of healthcare. Murica!

Trump added the skinny plan option that has kept cost from rising.

Well except for still paying for people to have emergency care at the last possible moment, because we can’t have people die on the streets. That would be unsightly.

They can die in a hospital, fully funded, that looks better.

Reality check: People who make money can spend money on things like health care of their choice and what they want to be covered for. They PAY for it.

How do they PAY for it? Oh geze. By working and choosing the plan they pay for.

If you cannot pay? Apply for Medicaid.

What an ignorant post.

No one is denied ER care.

You are out of touch.

That’s exactly what I said. :rofl:

Who pays for the Medicaid bills?

Good. So, we can agree no one is denied ER services. If someone dies on the streets then when they reached ER they were dead already.

Yeah, screw actually helping people become healthy, tax payers should only fund their less unsightly deaths when they show up with terminal stage cancer.

Gosh. I can’t possibly dig that deep. I’m a conservative. You know how awful “we” are.

Why don’t you answer the question you have. I suspect you have an answer prepared. :rofl:

Helping people become healthy is not a requirement of health insurance. They are there to cover you for X, Y and Z according to what you pay for.

Want to back that up with data?

We were talking about your comfort with tax payer funded ERs only when it keeps the poor from dying on your streets. Stay focused; let them eat cake!

I’ll be curious to see how Robert’s rules since he already voted in favor once saying it was.

I could see a narrow ruling saying the mandate is unconstitutional but the overall bill is not.

On the flip I could see him voting with the left side again

That is incorrect. Rep. Joseph Cao (R-La.) voted in favor of passage.



Happens all the time. If someone dies on a street, taking them to the ER isn’t going to save them, rich or poor. Dead is dead.

Erp…whatever that means. I’m sure it means … ummm…something significant to you…?

I wont argue with you on that.

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