Federal Appeals Court - Individual Mandate

The 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals by a 2-1 vote concluded the original law’s key funding mechanism known as the individual mandate — requiring most Americans to purchase health insurance or face a tax penalty — was properly eliminated by Congress and therefore the entire law could not be enforced.

The appeals panel sent the issue back to the lower court to decide whether other aspects of the Affordable Care Act must fall.

We told you so. There’s no way that crap is Constitutional.

The dems waaaaay over stepped on this too.


Even the Democratic House of Representatives is dismantling Obamacare, just having repealed three taxes that were part of the original Obamacare package.


waiting for the Trumpcare.

Signature legislation.

Well, at least he still got DACA.

Take a break.

Not I.

I am waiting for “Government-leave-everybody-the-****-alone-care.”



Preach brother!

You’re in Canada, it won’t cover you.

Got a link to this?

This should have been killed in 2010 when ACA was passed. In fact, the Dems who passed ACA probably knew it was unconstitutional when they voted for it. But no … it took nearly a decade for the courts to nix it.

For the record, ONLY Dems voted for it. Not a single R would put his/her name on it, and not even all Ds voted for it.

Sort of like yesterday’s sham impeachment vote.


The repeals are bundled in with the year end spending bills.

Yeah the insurance companies will take care of us. :crazy_face:

The original web page was the very first clue what a POS this whole thing was.

Those aren’t very surprising. The medical device tax has been criticized by both sides since the beginning. The unions have always wanted to cadillac tax removed. Dems voting to remove these taxes doesn’t seem too represent a dismantling of Obamacare by the Dems.

Its amazing Republicans see this as a good thing.
The penalty for not having insurance has already been eliminated. so whats left that has Republicans so upset?
Expansion of Medicare? The KY republican governor was going to end that in KY. He lost because of it. Turns out - That is a VERY popular part.

The requirement to treat mental illness as every other illness? I thought Republicans keep telling us after every mass shooting that the issue is mental health. So why do Republicans want to get rid of treating Mental health??/

Having to cover pre-existing conditions? Well - Trump keeps telling us that he will protect that. So they arent against that.

The higher taxes for high end insurance plans? That was removed in the latest spending bill (and never did take effect)

so what part of Obamacare that is still there are you all against at this point??

They like the expansion of Medicare in KY, just don’t tell them it’s part of Obamacare. They like it a lot less after they find that out.

The Obama part.


Clearly, you can think for yourself and plan for yourself and family. The ability to do so should be a given and not difficult.

However, there are those that want government to think and plan for them. In doing so, they want to “you and I” to pay for those services.

Thanks but no thanks.

The taxes funded the package, so if you repeal taxes, by definition you are at least partly repealing the package.

Theoretically true, but without the mandate, these taxes amount to a small contribution to funding for Obamacare. I don’t see this as a revolt by the Dems in the least.