Fedearlized Healthcare is a mistake

You haven’t read enough.

Now that is something that might actually mean something. Please continue.

Its simple, capitalisms only goal is to make a profit, anything else that comes from that is a side effect that’s not guaranteed.

not needed for what?

profit comes from providing the products customers want. more profit comes from offering better products, and even more from providing the best. that’s the incentive.

what’s the incentive for government to provide the best products?

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Ok, go on.


It’s coming from the private sector for a profit anyway.

:rofl: that is of course, incorrect. A rising tide lifts all boats.

You could say that Obama benefited you in the same way.

Mighty bold statement. “Best” will need to be defined and is of course subject to context.

That damn Tang was expensive!

Color me shocked, there are libs complaining that the economy is going too well to get their candidates elected. lol


Imagine that!


Don’t forget about ballpoint pens.

Coming from the crowd that has a track record for praising 8% unemployment, telling everyone else to get use to it. lol


Um… the unemployment rate in Q4 2016 was 4.9%

what is this 8%?

You seriously asked that question just now, knowing you voted for Obama in 2012, knowing the unemployment rate was 8% leading up to your vote. Go play. lol

I voted for Gary Johnson in 2012.

Yeah OK. :rofl:

Go on with your bad self.