Fed launches massive quantitative easing

It’s just the flu, calm yourself.

Ooooowee! Let those 20’s roar! :rofl:

Buy stocks, everything is great! :+1:

The Italian people need my help


$2.2T in less than a week. Remember when there was drama around $8.3B for Coronavirus relief?

People are losing there jobs. The consumer is under assault which is the foundation of the capitalist economic web and now we are going to make is that the vultures at the top can continue to drain the reservoir for all it’s worth.

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Futures already hit limit down.

He was excoriated for bringing up the stock market. The stock market is not the economy. If it were, then Trump would recommend that the fed doesn’t need to do anything since Friday we had the “BIGGEST STOCK MARKET RISE IN HISTORY”.

Oh, ok. Never mind then.

I wouldn’t bitch if he did the right thing to counteract the negative economy.

Quantitative easing = MONETARY INFLATION

I hate that ******* euphemism. Call it what it is.

Pre-owned car = Used car

Erectile dysfunction = Impotence

Passed away = Dead

Carry on.

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Now, if there is to be such a thing, the money for three months of interest should come FROM THE GOVERNMENT if the government is to place such a dictate on non-government businesses.

But to impose this on businesses is NOT, and never should be, the power of government to dictate.


current market update (asian markets)
japan Unchanged
shanghai -.8%
hong kong -2.5%
australia -7.5%
korea -.5%

US stock futures are locked limit down (5%)

George Carlin is that you?

Carlin was an intelligent man.

And he probably would have said the exact same thing. :smile:

The Fed is doing what it always does, inflating. That is the raison d’être for having a central bank.

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Not necessarily, they just add three months to the back end.

I wonder if the dude or dudette who created that meme knows or understands who Robert Heinlein was.

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Eh, I think Heinlein was in a real weird place when he wrote Starship Troopers. The meme isn’t entire inappropriate.

Paper numbers throwing and printing press will do nothing but make this worse. We’ve been in a bubble, let it deflate graciously at least.

That isn’t a bit true. Applying your post, have you EVER said ANYTHING NICE about Trump?