February 15: Options for President Trump

Manchin, already bypassed, Doug Jones, is in Alabama, who killed himself with his last vote, might be able to recover somewhat, that gets to 55, the Montana guy, there are others, what gives you the idea that you are going to get 11 Republicans to vote against steel slats/walls to get to 60, to get primaried by caving in to Democrats obsession against the wall/steel slats. Actually, to override the veto they need 18 Republicans, who if they are in a position to run for anything in 2020, they are gone. It is not like it is easy for Democrats either.

Especially after Pelosi just completely emasculated Trump?

thats not it

I’ve heard of many house members, even Steny Hoyer say that the wall is not immoral, and we all know it is a ruse that it is immoral, all these Democrats said ‘well, we’ll have to talk about it when the government is opened up’, well, they are going to have to back up what they said.

And why are illegals not considered criminals?

The Trump Organization was fined for bringing illegal workers into the US during the construction of Trump Tower construction. When an organization shows a pattern of repeated offenses is a fine still appropriate?

During the Wells Fargo illegal accounts scandal, low level managers who carried out the policy were fired, but senior managers who set the goals that led to the policy were untouched. Are you comfortable that this is a just solution? After all, the profits generated from low wage undocumented workers flow to the owners, not the middle managers.

I believe the answer to this will involve whatever sophistry is necessary to shield President Trump from any responsibility.

Pelosi and Schumer will prove once again, that liberals simply can’t be trusted. They will reneg on their word to negotiate, offering nothing since they feel they have a victory, or ask for something so out of proportion, that Trump says no. Trump will declare national emergency, get challenged in court, the Scotus will give him victory, wall will be built. Shutdown is forgotten, Trump is reelectedvin 2020.

there was one settled in1998 (20 years ago) from a case in 1980 (30 years ago) were his company was a party to the suit.

Now can you show me a lawsuit that was won or settled that shows he knew the workers at the golf course were illegally hired and that he knew about it.

Otherwise, as I said you are blowing smoke and making assumptions and allegations.

Tester just won an election essentially against Trump and Jones seems willing to stand for principles rather than re-election.

On the other hand, most of those Republican Senators follow more standard political logic than Trump (for better or for worse). They can see where the polls are on this issue and the Republican Party did an excellent job of limiting the impact of primaries leading to unelectable candidates in 2018. I think the Republicans know they need to get this issue behind them. Mulvaney saying “we’ll shut it down again” has to terrify them. The Republican Party cannot afford the beating it is taking on this issue.

Aaaah the one from 30 years ago correct?

So assumption he knew then he knew now correct? As in no proof?

Two quibbles with hour scenario. Since Trump has blown up every compromise reached on the issue to date, history does not support you swipe at Pelosi and Schumer, but that’s unimportant in the long run. My bet is the court will rule against Trump 5-4 or 6-3. Trump will get the conservative core 3, lose the liberal core 4. Roberts is the key and in the past few years he has been increasingly concerned with his legacy and his fear that he will go down in history as the man who politicized the Supreme Court. He is likely to vote against Trump just to solidify the legacy he wants.

Remember, Roberts took an unprecedented step in publishing a defense against Trump’s attacks on court independence. That shows you how angry Roberts is. Trump does not understand that people you insult will look to get back. John McCain killed the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, and enjoyed doing it after Trump insulted McCain’s military record. Trump insults lots of people, not all of whom re wimps like Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio. Trump did not help his case by holding a questionably appropriate meeting with Clarence Thomas’ wife. You can be certain Roberts noted that.

And Kavanaugh has already cast one surprising vote with Roberts…and its already 5-3, this is another opportunity to recover his reputation.

I am not certain of this of course, but Roberts concerns have made it harder for the court to make decisions with a strongly pro-Republican partisan content.

I am not saying there is proof that Trump knew about the hiring of undocumented immigrants. I am questioning your assumption that his lack of knowledge means he bears no responsibility. Am I right in assuming our view is that as long an underlings keep the boss in the dark, the boss is in the clear?

My argument is that if the senior person is the principle beneficiary of actions taken on their behalf then they cannot be free from responsibility for inappropriate actions taken on their behalf.

Is being here illegaly a felony? BTW, it’s fascinating how fat donald hiring illegal immigrants gets ignored around here.

It should be. Otherwise, no matter what immigration reform gets passed, we’ll be back in the same place in a decade. Being in the country illegally needs to be a criminal act with immediate deportation. Otherwise the law has no teeth and will have accomplished jack ■■■■

Sounds good to me, but what should be done with the individuals/companies (like fat donald’s golf resort) that perpetually hire illegal immigrants on a daily basis?

I’m fine with punishing them as well. You can’t simply ignore one side of the problem which is what many on the left seem to do.

Fat donald and his ilk (GOP) are ignoring it as well. Why aren’t his supporters pissed off about that?

Why isn’t the left pissed off that people are breaking our laws and coming here illegally?

The elites of both parties benefit from illegal immigration. I have always been pissed off about that and constantly post my ire here on a regular basis.
How about you? Are you pissed off that fat donald and the GOP hasn’t done squat about individuals/companies that hire illegal immigrants? Especially for two years while they controlled all of government?