FBI in Disarray, Again?

Matt Gaetz?

Washington Examiner?


Get back to us when you’re serious.

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Trump supporters are the ones in disarray with their “don’t look past page 1 of the Mueller Report” defense.

I admit I was pretty disappointed when news of Barr’s summary came out weeks ago. Trump supporters were obviously thrilled.

After the release of the Mueller Report, I was pleasantly surprised. I imagine Trump supporters felt the opposite.

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Most of them haven’t read it. It’s not even that I expect people to read through 400+ page report, but even just skimming through it reveals a much darker story than what Barr tried to spin.

Can you please screen shot the part of the report that states there was no collusion?

Thank you in advance

Barr’s summary was effective in two ways. First, it gave the less sophisticated Trump supporters a belief that Trump was totally clean. Second, the smarter more ruthless supporters now have a blueprint for lying.

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You purposely tried to derail the thread when you realized the source was more than questionable.

Now the thread is just another thread arguing about collusion.

Too bad Trump himself can’t properly recite the talking points that some on this thread have perfected in such a short time. Instead he comes across on Twitter as a bumbling moron.

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What was June meeting about. Adoption. lol

There was obvious cooperation between the Russians and the trump campaign in that meeting.

They came this close to breaking the law. As pointed out in the report.
Bet you won’t post that part of the report.


Is conspiring and coordinating different than collusion?

I wish Gaetz would just shut up until the actual information is released. What he’s doing is leaking and I don’t like it no matter which side is doing it and I wish he’d stop.

If you actually read the report, it does indeed say that there was not enough evidence for criminal conspiracy… but it wasn’t for lack of trying.

The Trump campaign tried to make contact with Russian sources on multiple occasions but failed for one reason or another.

Now some can take that and make a victory lap screaming “No Collusion” but I would hope that my fellow countrymen and women would realize that this is something that we used to consider to be “Bad” and that we stop going down this road to crazy town.



Trump 2020. Innocent until proven Guilty.

Good bumper sticker.

Great contribution

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Just pointing out your attempt to rewrite 2 1/2 years of history that was peddled on almost every news outlet 24/7/365.

The particular type of conspiracy they were looking for is if the Trump campaign helped the Russian government interfere with the election.

Under that definition, the Trump campaign setting up a strategy around slowly leaking information against Clinton and reaching out to the Russian government for help in obtaining more hacked information wouldn’t be considered conspiracy. The Trump-Moscow deal and other improprieties wouldn’t be considered conspiracy either under that definition.

However, I think the average person would consider that to be collusion or coordination… it’s just not “technically” a crime to the DOJ. There are many things that are patently corrupt that isn’t technically illegal in the USA.

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You mean the media that got it right?
I know…i prefer backing honest and good people who dont lie all the time…

…spoken like a true, well trained Hillaryite…amirite?

Well put. Of course, we all know that Trump worshipers will ignore you.

Deflecting to hillary…thats sad…get some better arguments dude…seriously.

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