FBI in Disarray, Again?

Yes, the MSM, and many Democrats over played the Collusion card.

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They didn’t. “No collusion” is fake news propaganda. The Mueller report doesn’t conclude that at all.

Reality tv show nutjob Gaetz has as much credibility as Mad Cow Nunes.


The same Matt Gaetz who just hired a guy who was fired by the White House for being all cozy with White Supremacists.

I should listen to him… seems like he has nothing but good and true things to say.


That’s not what the Mueller Report says. Why do keep repeating the same right-wing lie.

One of things that got may attention scanning through the Mueller report was how eerie similiar to media reports. It’s almost like the media and FBI were working together. Which why I made those comment. Was media doing FBI/Mueller investigation for em? Or were they leaking like a sieve?

I have no doubt that FBI, CoJ and yes Mueller band of corrupt democrat operatives colluding with one another.

Gaetz questioned the voracity of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, noting how he cited media reports “as if they’re gospel when they clearly are not.”

:joy: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: and the spin machine grinds on. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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You mean the people who were screaming about fake news were the ones who were releasing fake news and the “liberal media” had the majority of their facts correct? Who woulda thought.

Read the last paragraph of the Mueller report page 1 and start of page 2


“Although the invetigation established that the Russian Government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts (now here is what you call fake news propaganda read it close) The investigation did NOT ESTABLISH that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in it’s election interference activities.”

Doesn’t say they found evidence for and against but defered charging. Right there black and white, they did not find collusion PERIOD.

End of page 1 start of page 2. Posted above from Mueller report here is the key sentence:

The investigation did NOT ESTABLISH that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in it’s election interference activities.

The word “collusion” is nowhere in what you just quoted. Conspiracy is a very specific charge requiring very specific types of evidence to prove. A person could easily argue that the Trump campaign reaching out to Russian officials to release stolen information is collusion. That doesn’t mean that such collusion qualifies as a criminal conspiracy.


Go to the report and read on. Report says collusion is NOT in the legal code. So they went with what they could – and that was criminal conspiracy. They found NO cooperation or coordination.

I think those two things are needed for collusion are they not?

You can do things that are highly unethical but not illegal…or even worse… things that are illegal but difficult to prove intent. There is no evidence released that suggests that Trump worked hand in hand with the Russian government to hack Hillary’s emails…therefore, no conspiracy.

There’s plenty of evidence that the Russian government wanted Trump to win and did several things to assist Trump. There’s also plenty of evidence showing that the Trump campaign not only welcomed this help but sought it.



NO cooperation and NO coordination between Russians and Trump et al.

You NEED those two things for collusion.

Christ its like you all have the same talking point…read the ■■■■■■■ report already


Again mueller wasnt looking at ■■■■■■■ collusion…try getting that part correct before bothering to argue the topic.

You disagree with Muellers conclusion on page 1?

I disagree with you


I read further

as I explined previously, Mueller states there is NO law that deals with collusion so they used the legal conspiracy. Under that they found there was NO cooperation and no coordination.

How do you collude if your not cooperating and coordinating what’s going on?

You’re right, I confused Trump’s call on national TV for Russian help and the near immediate action by units of Russian intelligence doing what he requested, as collusion. That wasn’t in the report. But wingers have more self-respect than to consider that collusion.