FBI agents on Flynn case bought liability insurance. "if this thing ever gets FOIA’d"

This claim is always made without any sense of what Junior was up to that would put him in legal jeopardy.

The FBI created crimes for Flynn. They only need allegations that a citizen then needs lawyers to advise on a defense, to consume the citizen’s resources.

That’s why it’s called abuse of power.

It seems like on the couple of occasions when the judge asked him if he was being coerced into pleading guilty that that would have been the time to bring that up.

But he didn’t

Why is that?

At this point I have zero trust in either the DOJ or FBI . Until Barr and Durham sends indicted people to a grand jury, it stays that way .

I don’t know that the judge did ask.

…especially when you’re attempting to fall on the sword to protect your son.

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He was attempting to protect his son from the FBI’s investigation. If he pleaded guilty, they’d stop investigating his son.



He did.

When Flynn pled guilty.


What was Junior up to that would put him into legal jeopardy?

Yes I know… He was working for his Dad who was doing a bunch of shady stuff.

Flynn was getting off light. He should have taken his sentencing and it would have been over by now.

Now the window is closing on him getting a pardon.

Shady stuff as compared to changing the actual wording and meaning on a document being used to request a FISA warrant to spy? Shady stuff as in having a discussion among top elements of the FBI in how to intentionally entrap a 3-star General? What has gone down prior to the 2016 election for the purpose of exonerating the criminal acts of Hillary Clinton so she could be elected President and hide all that was done…to afterwards, conspiring to take down a duly elected President is one of the most criminal acts in our nation’s history and yet…you seem to not be bothered by it. Your judgement IMO is very, very poor.

…drip, drip, drip…

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They did the same thing to Flynn’s assistant K.T. McFarland but she has a rich husband so they could financially sustain the persecution, the General could not! Those FBI agents that bought personal liability insurance to insulate themselves and their families from financial ruin if they got caught gave a damn if they ruined a military veteran by lying about a process crime and threatening his son. They represent the worst of the DC bureaucratic swamp creatures.

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Two things about that. One… it has nothing to do with Flynn and Two that was the second renewal of the FISA Warrant… long after Flynn was booted from his position.

He wasn’t entrapped. He lied. He pled guilty to it twice.


Not a conspiracy. The Trump campaign was up to their eyeballs in Russian intelligence. Don’t you find that concerning? Isn’t that something that law enforcement and counter intelligence should be looking into?

And the rest is nonsense.

Yeah…I know. Lemme guess…what difference does it make now…anyways? Like I said, your sense of judgement is very, very poor.

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Leftists are not accustomed to people who stand up to their supremeness. :rofl:

You see. You know that they were up to their eyeballs in Russian spies and you can’t come up with a good reason for there not to be a counter intelligence operation because of that.

Think if this was anyone else. Think that if a Clinton campaign had a manager that was shuffling inside data directly to the Kremlin. Think if Chelsea Clinton had secretly met with Russian intelligence to “dig up dirt”. Think I Clinton campaign surrogates were in direct contact with GRU to get the timing of disseminating that dirt. And then think if a Clinton campaign worked so very very hard to cover it up.

You would be blowing your stack and I would be agreeing with you.

After 4-5 years of leftists investigations, multiple ruined careers from Obama’s Administration, including Obama himself and they still have nothing, but some leftists are still willing to sacrifice their own integrity on continuing the witch hunt. That’s sad.


It’s professional liability insurance. I’m not sure what personal liability insurance is.
General Flynn doesn’t seem too concerned about the cost of his defense. His current counsel has made this whole process very expensive for him. His previous counsel was also a very high priced firm.