FBI agents on Flynn case bought liability insurance. "if this thing ever gets FOIA’d"

Per the article they bought it in January of 2016.

According to Agent Barnett, they did have it before Flynn.

Apparently this is the new online bucket shop some people get their fake news from.

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I’m going by the text messages in the article.

They are all advised to get professional liability insurance.

Theclintons is a powerful street drug. The initial high has been described as ‘unreal’ and ‘otherwordly’. But, it rapidly induces high tolerance and crippling dependence. Its users face an almost impossible task of diminishing returns, and must constantly seek new sources and new supply.

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At least twice on these boards I have laid out the entire “Deep State” case and shown that when you put together all the ridiculous claims that have been made by Trump and his sycophants into one narrative, that narrative completely collapses into logical incoherence.

But since most Trump supporters only focus on the latest claim du jour, they never do the complete synthesis.

And those spinning the narrative to tickle the Trump supporters’ ears know they will never put the whole narrative together, so they don’t even try and make a story that makes any sense whatsoever. That would be hard work- and why put forth the effort when the intended audience is just going to lap up whatever you tell them at the moment?


Even if he was set up, if he lied that was on Flynn. Being set up is no excuse.

Now the Pelosi case is completely different, somehow.

And of course all lying under oath is different, somehow…like Clapper lying under oath that they government was keeping records on telephone calls of citizens. No need to prosecute that.


Ya got her now!

What Pelosi case?

I think you know. Where she had her hair done in noncompliance with local mask regulations.

That’s what I thought.

Here was my reaction to that

Edit… click on the link… my words aren’t showing.

You see… it isn’t that hard to be consistent.

Pelosi didn’t think so. She was making a big political storm about Trump and masks and got “unmasked”. She quite seriously used the excuse of being “set up”.


Liability insurance has been a thing with federal government employees since, like, Iran-Contra.

A “whisper blower” came forward, they just couldn’t hear them over the fans. :wink:

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Always plead guilty if you are not.

That’s my advice.


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Yep… it is just so stupid.

There’s nothing more sinister than normal things occurring normally. Just look at mail in voting. So sinister.

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Not sinister, just more security holes than a colander.

Because that’s what he needed to do to protect his son from undergoing the same unbridled life-destroying lawfare by the same corrupt elements in the FBI.