Father of sexual assault victim arrested in Loudoun

Exactly, doesn’t matter if their victims are male or female. Which is why all this hair on :fire: over gender/bathroom doesn’t make sense. Catholic priests and scoutmasters were committing rape without the aid of going into the wrong bathrooms for decades.

That’s…exactly how it works. Ask me how I know. Or don’t.

Trans student at school has the option to use one of 3 single-stall, single user restrooms throughout the day, depending on where the student is at school when they need to pee. You’d never know because it’s not a big deal (except to the uber conservative, talk-radio/Tucker quoting history teacher, who laments that he can’t identify as a fridge or a millionaire and that this all goes against what he called the “Holy Constitution”).

He’s a predator. He used the skirt and the school policy to gain access so he could rape.

No different than a guy with candy luring a child to a van.

The school boards actions are more like telling little children it is okay to accept candy from strangers and get in their van.

Separate but equal. It might work if they make all the restrooms that way.

Then I guess we should segregate more spaces, right?

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Yes, but what race is he?


So he was sending nude photos of himself to fifth grade girls at one point, no red flag there.


Uh thanks?

What happened to “Xi”?

He identifies as a male.

I think Sneaky is finally acknowledging his narrative has utterly collapsed.

We’ve known that for a while now. All the court documents and non-conservative media articles wouldn’t have used male pronouns otherwise.

Might want to read the thread.

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Uh, feeling needy? I can think of no other reason you needed to comment if you don’t care about the article. Oh wait, let me guess, you didn’t get past the headline and thought I was making some point about what the little ■■■■ bag identifies as.

It’s an interview with the rapist’s mother. Read it or not, I don’t care.




FBI. Nice

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Now the question is, can the superintendent of schools be charged for any misconduct that instigated this whole miscarriage of justice for the father of the victim?

What miscarriage?

This article has more detail about what happened during the second assault.

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