Father of sexual assault victim arrested in Loudoun

Public health, Sneaky. It is their choice to make, no one is sticking people against their will. But all choices have consequences.

I gave you the link, of course I used 2b.

People have been attacked in bathrooms prior and will in the future. The only difference now is that people can blame scary “bathroom accommodation” policies for the attacks.

Of course there will always be the intolerant.

Same thing with woman in the armed forces.

Same thing Blacks in the armed forces.

Time marches on in the society.

100 years from now they will be laughing at the dinosaur ideas that some still have.

Just think about 1921 and what was mainstream back then.


Not making excuses for sheriffs deputies but the father could have obeyed their orders and left. When you resist bad things happen. When you fight worse things happen. What happened to his daughter is despicable and the perpetrator should be punished. But Dad lost his composure, he could have gone outside asked to see the sheriff and gotten advice as to how to proceed with his demands for accountability especially in light of the facts surrounding the school board members denial of their knowledge in the case and school administrators covering up not one but two rapes? These people are the ones who should be hauled off to the hoosegow. Conspiring to cover up rapes of minors in school bathrooms? What the ■■■■■

But that’s not what happening now is it? You say with one breath that we must tolerate transgenders

Here allow me to quote it.

But you support what the left is doing…going after people livelihoods for being anti-vaxxers.

So you’re using the argument about effecting everyone else to justify that discrimination…well transgender effected that young girl.



When schools capitulated to transgender facilities sharing they were warned these things could and would happen. And here we are.

Unfortunately, not removed from the school district…where he later assaulted another young girl.



I understand all right…and I’m saying society does not have to accept or tolerate this perversion.

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Homosexuals included?

Is this not public health? A young 13 year old girl was raped.

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Case in point.

Despite conservatives thinking trans/gay is a air transmittable disease… it, in fact, is not.

Covid however…

From my understand they wanted to prevent the father from speaking all together.

I don’t think that is true. From his own account he didn’t go to the meeting to speak to anyone, but then got in to an argument with another person at the meeting who questioned the legitimacy of the attack. He, rightfully, got angry.

“I went at the spur of the moment after I finished up a work job down the street, to go see the circus I’ve been seeing on the news. We weren’t going to protest or anything,” Smith said.

Smith said the student who assaulted his daughter is male and identifies as gender-fluid. And he said he was provoked during a meeting by a woman he knew personally, who made comments about his daughter, discounting the alleged assault. Deputies attempted to restrain Smith, and he was dragged to the floor.

“Public health” or not torey, it is still intolerance. I can make the same argument for Xi in bathrooms and “public safety”. Or homosexual males and “public health”.

Practically any intolerance can be rationalized by “public”.

They are being excluded from sharing social, political, or professional rights due to their circumstance. And in some cases denied their livelihood.


Well whatever the case…I did not like the way the school board or the cops handled it.

They apparently handled it by the books. But “by the books” isn’t always the right way.