Far-Right GOP Lawmaker's Question About Republicans Backfires Spectacularly

The Democrats are thanking Republican Chip Roy for the generous gift of a free campaign ad.

This little speech of Roy’s should see a lot of mileage in Democrat ads.


Certainly was the complete and unvarnished truth from Roy, I will give him that.


So a politician is telling his fellow party lawmakers that they are not accomplishing anything of great importance and that’s a bad thing? I guess one could say, the truth hurts. So be it but he’s right.

What the left did with all of those unfunded spending bills that has taken our national debt to over 30 trillion with skyrocketing interest rates making it close to unserviceable. Our politicians have run amok…period.

This is what the MAGA movement is attempting to address and I’m not surprised that there’s plenty of resistance. The corruption in DC is on both sides of the aisle.


It’s hard to motivate people to vote for a political party that does nothing. The cutesy games and troll bills will wear thin.


Meh, huffpo spin on the controlled opposition GOPer calling out the other controlled opposition GOPers.


The political ads for democrats are going to write themselves.

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Yep…for all those that promote illegal immigrants invading our country and Brandon being the biggest traitor in our history.
Article 4 section 4 of the President’s responsibility to his country

Section 4.
The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.

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The republicans in the house Just refused to vote on a border security spending bill the WH sent down.


The WH on Day 1 stopped border wall construction and reversed Trump’s border wall measures that he took that resulted in illegal crossings to drop to their lowest levels in years. Libs own this disaster…period.

How ANYONE can defend this turd is absolutely despicable. Biden and Democrats motivated this invasion…period.


Why won’t republicans fund border security? Shouldn’t that be an area of common cause?

First you have to understand that the (D)edicated OP is clearly bored with the slow news week. Think of this more like cheer practice. :wink:


Chip Roy wasn’t defending Biden. He was chastising the GOP for getting nothing done with their majority.


what was in it?


Additionally, the White House is seeking $6.4 billion for border operations, pushing back against Republicans who have criticized it for not doing enough to contend with migration from Latin America. The request also includes about $1.2 billion for efforts aimed at countering fentanyl, which has driven a wave of deadly overdoses in the United States.

Still waiting on the rest of the Jan 6 footage…so no argument from me.

We sent enough money to corrupt Ukraine to build a functional border barrier on both north and south borders…twice.

Yep. Its broke.

The federal spending is a nuclear reaction of funds that has gone critical.

The so called elected are powerless now.

I wonder who gave them the shirts and signs?

Isn’t it obvious that Tucker and the house GOPers haven’t released more of the footage because it doesn’t show what you want it to show? It doesn’t show that it was a ‘mostly peaceful’ day?


Check out this video of Ted Bundy not murdering, thereby proving his innocence.


Kind of dishonest to call it a border security bill when the vast majority of it was for other things. :person_shrugging:


True - the bill included $$ for Israel and Ukraine. Still, they went home for thanksgiving instead of voting to fund - or not - all three, including billions for border security.