Explain precisely how Roseanne Barr's is racist

You truly are going to try to get people to eat that tripe?

You hit the nail on the head, you pegged it.

To late to duck and weave.

“Those who associate blacks with apes, ARE RACIST.”

That is exactly what Barr did with her tweet.


You cannot take that back.


Nope just the racists on the board.

Come on Lou. You’ve been on these boards long enough to know that isn’t how this works.

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I’d rethink that if I were you. They were being racist when they did that.

But as a Christian who rejects evolution, I don’t associate blacks with monkeys any more than I would Swedes, or Anglo Saxons. Therefore, I don’t see how she was racist in her stupid joke about looks, not about race.

Too funny.

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I like how you define the tweet as racist, but then turn around and say it wasn’t.

Hint: Valarie Jarett is black. US has a history using racist imagery of referring blacks to apes/monkeys. Roseanne referred to VJ as an ape. Therefore tweet is racist.

You don’t have to mention ones race to make a racist comment.

But she didn’t do that. She did not mention “blacks” at all. That is what “racists” (or fools) are reading into this, exposing their own racist associations.

May be “born again” but they got the same old poorly functioning brain back.


For real man. It’s a bit disheartening to see.

Ha! i didn’t want to, but I laughed.

She identified Valerie Jerret who is black.

She dudn’t need to include the word “blacks” for her tweet to identify her as racist BY YOUR OWN DEFINITION.

Own it.

You answered your own OP question.

Reread your reply. None of those premises are in her tweet. She was commenting on her looks, which can be any race.

So you are adding premises to make her tweet racist. By itself, she doesn’t mention a race, nor even suggest “black” at all.

Her tweet is NOT racist. Its stupid given she just hit the big time and the left totalitarians were gunning for her, and she gave them the opportunity.

But racist, no.

She didn’t refer to black, she did refer to her looks. VJ could have been white, or red, or whatever. Its you folks who assume she made the “black association.”

Its an assumption on YOUR part and I don’t see it. She doesn’t mention race. Neither apes or muslims are a race.

I’m just going to quote you again, since you already answered your own question.

Those who associate blacks with apes, ARE RACIST.

You just can’t ignore that VJ is black to make her tweet not racist.

So according to you. If a black man is called a ■■■■■■■ monkey, the comment is not racist, because his race is never mentioned?

Read that again, “Those who” = are racist.

It remains unproved Barr did that.

I certainly don’t.

But evidently, that’s the first thing leftists do.

what do you believe the “Planet of the Apes” comment was referring to?

No one has to mention race in a racist comment. In fact, they usually don’t. I saw a picture on the internet of Michelle Obama and her two girls packing up to leave the White House. Some racist posted the comment “So happy that the hood rats have finally been exterminated from our White House”.

Race not mentioned. See how that works.

This thread reminds me of some of the legendary Hannity Barack Obama threads. Amazing.

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I didn’t see racism in that either, “hood rats” are animals, not a race.