Exactly how do most illegal immigrants survive here economically?

So someone found it sad that a person is working 16 hours a day for minimum wage. You found that funny. When pointed out, you lashed out at the person working so much assuming they think this is their home country. That says a lot.

First of all I got a chuckle out of the way it was worded: “They will work an 8 hour shift at McDonalds and then walk across the street and do another at Wendy’s”, not about someone doing this. Also there are many Americans who work 16 hours a day or 70 hours a week. That has been a reality in this country for generations. Furthermore how is commenting “I suppose they believe being in their home country is even a sadder reality” lashing out at someone? In other words nobody is forcing them to come here and work in the settings they are working in or the hours they work. Here is another reality life can suck for anyone rich, poor, or in the middle. Look at this for example:

Why do you think they leave their countries of origin, risk Coyote violence and then work to exhaustion? Hint, because they want to better their lives and those of their life bed ones. (Disclaimer not all are doing it for good reasons).

I am not going down your deflection path aboutother citizens because the topic is indeed undocumented immigrants.

Where in jersey do you get a apartment for 1,000.?

Here in Dover the going rate is about 1500 and that not even a good one.

Illegals live in boarding houses, rent rooms etc.


I wonder how they come up with these numbers. From your link…

Previous studies have found that [$75,000 is the earnings tipping point]

Good thing I made 79k!!!

Probably in Irvington, Camden, or Trenton. Over a bar and next to an animal shelter across the street from a Getty

DACA people, deported. Not sure that serves the countries interests.


I have five more bucks that says that a ton of Americans, who complain about illegals, use businesses (landscapers, painters, etc) who employ illegals.

They actually are part of the problem they scream about…

They can also survive through Gangs, Drug dealing, or Stealing also.

Yes- in dormitory-like housing, and they don’t spend much money- they save and sent it home. Bus fare, meager meals- that’s it.

And if some of their detractors here were in their position, they’d do the same, and consider themselves enterprising.

My wife is a court reporter. She sees this stuff when there is a legal matter to resolve.

Undocumented immigrants often work in the restaurant industry. In one case several immigrants were having taxes withheld to a social security number of someone else (I think the number belonged to a legal immigrant that they knew.)

In another case, a restaurant owner worked illegal immigrants like slaves. He provides crude housing for some of his staff–several men to a room. They worked long hours as dishwashers, bussers and cooks. There were no time cards and no time clock at work. They weren’t paid for many of the hours that they worked. When they voiced concern, the business owner threatened to report them to ICE and have them deported. They were stuck in a pretty crappy life and were being exploited.

In Dover , they use bikes to get around town, work etc.
