Exactly how do most illegal immigrants survive here economically?

Bwuh? Are you saying you’re fine with a citizen breaking the law (i.e. hiring illegals), but not so OK with an illegal breaking the law?

Truly bizarre “logic”.

In your opinion, which would have a greater effect on curbing illegal immigration? 1) Building a wall along the southern border, or 2) reducing the demand for low-wage workers by actually fining employers caught employing illegal immigrants? Don’t forget the lessons from above… that far more illegals are here as a result of overstaying their visas than coming across the southern border.

That is truly bazar Cratic logic. An employer hires an illegal to work. 2 crimes are committed. Cratic only wants to go after the crime that does nothing about further crime, and forgets about the criminal behavior that creates the crime to begin with.

The logic is sound, actually. This country was founded on the exploitation of others, why should that stop now?

We built this country on slavery, to wean off that took the Civil War, our most brutal war by a long shot. That is how much some of our country loved free labor.

After that we had convict leasing (ended in the 1930’s), child labor, exploiting Asian workers for the railroads and now Hispanics.

Quite frankly I don’t see much getting done because who is left to exploit if we fix the Hispanic problem?

To some, the best thing to do is nothing, which preserves the status quo, a permanent and invisible underclass that can be exploited and at the same time demonized.

Which is weird because that’s the same exact reason in another post you give law breaking employer a pass.

Paying taxes makes it okay for one to break the law? Does that apply to all laws?

And how about deporting those actually in the country illegally? Or should we just ignore them?

Can I not pay income taxes?

Hey @Eagle-Keeper People rent illegals room in Dover, New Jersey for 200 a month. Since they make 10 bucks an hour under the table, just have to be a hard worker and can still send off excess bucks back to the homeland.


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Have an Auntie that I’m close to that is a big Trump supporter and wants a wall built.

Meanwhile, she steadily keeps 2-3 illegals employed doing home remodeling projects. Even co-signed a car loan for one of them so he could make it to work for her.

I’m like “…Uhhhh”

A lot of illegal immigrants have skills like being roofers.

By your logic then all drugs that come from Mexico should be legal for US people to use since its the Govts fault for not stopping those drugs at the border.

Deport them and they’ll just come back under a new name to work again.

Think of it this way. If you put a bunch of meat outside and leave it your going to attract animals. You can build a large wall around your meat but the animals will still come around and find ways under, over, and around your wall.

Or you could just remove the meat and the animals won’t come around. As long as the jobs exist the illegals will be coming and a wall isn’t going to help since they’ll then just tunnel under it as they already do in many places, drive over it as they do in many places (seriously, look up some videos of the car ramp contraptions that exist for going over the border wall where it already exists), or get smuggled in via car / truck.

I’m all for controlling illegal immigration. I just favor things that might actually work like upholding the law about hiring illegals rather than ignoring it as both sides do.

Long hours, crap jobs, shared living expenses.

An apartment could run you 1000 a month? Before my parents sold their house in Maplewood NJ, a middle class to working class area, those two apartment houses were renting at 1000 a month. That was 1986. I don’t know of any apartments here in NJ for 1000 a month that doesn’t have a laundry mat underneath it, or isn’t in a high crime area.

I don’t know why, but I couldn’t stop laughing after reading your post.

I meant to say in an inner city.

That’s because just like illegal immigrants vote, and the Liberals denying that it happens,
they also get food stamps, and welfare, and the Democrat Politicians merely deny it.

There’s that and sanctuary cities.

Well I dont know what’s funny about it, but hey glad you got a chuckle out of a sad reality.

You think all inner cities are low-rent districts?

Well I suppose they believe being in their home country is even a sadder reality.