Ex-Trump adviser tells black Fox News guest he's out of his 'cotton-picking

this has not changed from Obama days.

I know it means that you have one less thing to be outraged about. Maybe Maxine can have it fixed for you.

But if I ever refer to YOUR particular person by cultural heritage, I will be sure to address you as Latina.

Again, you are being ignorant, we are Latinos not Hispanic. Either you deal with that or not, I could care less.

you don’t speak for everyone…The census bureau uses the term Hispanic. But if I ever refer to YOUR cultural heritage, I will refer to YOU however you wish.

" The key words here are regardless of race. In fact, Hispanics can be white, black, Asian, or multiracial. That’s because the term “Hispanic,” like “Latino,” refers to an ethnicity, not a race. And a majority of Hispanics actually self-identify as white. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, 53 percent of Hispanics chose “white “ as their race, while 36 percent chose “some other race.”

I could care less what the Census bureau says, we are Latinos. I travel all over latin america and people there don’t call other latinos from other countries “Hispanicos”.
We are Latinos…get it through your thick head.

We would be a lot better off if we went back to the civility of the 1950’s rather then current day incivility of PC HELL of LIBERALISM which in the USA is only a free speech breath away of COMMUNISM!

Are you seriously saying that blacks were treated with more civility in the 50s rather than today?

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Are you ■■■■■■■ kidding me? Lol!

Sounds like something i would say.

No ■■■■ but I think Roxiebelle really, truly, believes it.

There were plenty of thugs to go around in Charlottesville. Neo nazis, ANTIFA, and BLM.


It’s enough to drive a sane person crazy the amount of liberal nut-jobs Fox News parades in front of its audience. Thank goodness for the “mute” button on my remote because I can’t stand listen to them anymore they all say the same “lock step” thing anyway so they’ve got nothing new, interesting or truthful to say!!

If you like NASCAR abut not Indy or the dogs but not ponies you are obviously raceist.

It’s bad optics once again. White Trump administration official or former official, black democratic strategist…White guy says you’re out of your cotton picking mind. World takes offense. Again Optics. He should not say this. I will say this…that when I was a kid back in the 60s and 70s…We used cotton picking mind in place of God Damned Mind…as kids we never knew that this was a racial thing. I think that Bossie used this phrase in just such a manner. At least I hope he did. One bad phrase used to replace another bad phrase.

Only if you were forced to do so and didn’t get paid a fair wage for the job you did! Your horrible optics are once again showing.

he’s a white supremacist.

he’s a thug.

YOU prefer to be a Latino.

YOU don’t speak for others.

search the word Hispanic here.

you might be surprised. Your outrage trigger is a little off.

Thankfully we have middle aged white conservative men to tell all of us what is and isn’t racist.