Ex-Trump adviser tells black Fox News guest he's out of his 'cotton-picking

I’m glad you figured out it’s a racist statement. No reason to change the subject.

My girlfriend is white and is like that. She’s always complimenting me on my skin tone. Which I’m cool with since I think my skin is fantastic but I get conceited sometimes.

Used in certain contextual events, yes it can be considered offensive or racist.




oh… wait . These are fine people.

White people can’t be thugs? Or is that a term only reserved for brown people?

If your answer is no, then why didn’t you post any articles on white people being thugs?

This has always been a sore spot with me.
Thuggish behavior transcends race, but for some reason black folks are the poster children for the term thug. Media is good for this.

The reason I started despising candidate trump was because he tried to inflame and further perpetuate this stereotype in a tweet about black crime. The image itself very offensive because it was black male, with a bandana, sagging jeans, pointing a gun sideways as if this is the image of the urban black male. What was even more egregious the stats to go along with the image were not only made up the so-called agency that it came from didn’t even exists.

I just tell my wife, thanks but you don’t want the problems that come with my skin color. Lol. She agrees.

There ya go. How many references to black or hispanic “thugs” does this free you up to utter?

Just like the thugs in Charlottesville, VA carrying tiki torches were all fine people too right?

Have yet to see any of them in a mug shot made to look thrown away.

So … a white supremacist is not white? Is this a Dave Chapelle jokem

And while this conflicts with your narrative… But as far as races go… Hispanics are majority white.

low information.

Its a phrase that’s been around for decades and never aimed at a specific ethnic group of people other then those who are actually “out of their minds” which includes most liberals of all ethnic backgrounds, who are “out of their nitpicking minds”!

I heard Bossie say that out of frustration of the gibberish coming out of the other guests mouth and my first thought was you’re right and then its like " oh damn" the liberal PC thugs are going to be all over him like fleas on a dog because the other guest was African American and the racist leftists NEVER miss an opportunity to accuse others of what they are guilty of themselves.

We are “Latinos” not “Hispanic”. Please stop being ignorant.

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This is pathetic-why does fox allow these racists morons on their shows? He is a racists negro who degrades OUR President, why is it ok for the negro to be a racists towards White people Sean???

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And we’re not majority white.

oh stop being sensitive… you know we call them people over there in the China… orientals not Asians…

holy crap… i think 1958 wants their language back…


Thanks for the reminder. I’ve always heard the phrase “cotton-picking” used in the context of one white person talking to another and haven’t had much cause to think about its racial connotations until now.

It’s kinda like, in my family, the men often addressed each other as “Chief.” It was so ingrained in me that I didn’t even think about it until I was talking with a Native American friend and another friend later told me it was a total dick move to call him, “Chief.”

I’ve since stopped using the word with anyone. It’s just easier that way.

The Negro??? Really?
You do know this is 2018 or are you remembering that by gone era when America was great?