Evil doesn’t begin to describe this administration

They aren’t mutations. They are the normal background variations of human genetics.

And you think people should be punished that disagree with that and call a person by a name suggestive of their biological sex?

Does this happen in other species besides humans?

I have not seen studies, but I wouldn’t see why not.

Biology is messy.

Not at all. Haven’t even come close to suggesting that. I’m strictly talking about being polite and a descent human being. Whatever satisfaction someone gets from misgendering someone is lost on me.

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Oh, how I long for the days when gay people just wanted the right to marry someone they loved and that was all.

Now, cutting off the we-we of little kids seems to be the new objective.

Can’t wait for the Mid-Terms.

Not all gay people are trans.

Not all trans people are gay.

I would ask for an instruction manual on all of this but the rules seem to change day by day.

What’s next? (I’m almost afraid to ask)

It isn’t very hard.

Gay people exist. It is normal.

Trans people exist. It is also normal.

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No such thing as trans, no man has yet become a woman and no woman has ever become a man.


At one time smoking was normal, as was bleeding sick people to cure illness.

Be a little careful using that word.

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Trans is a person whose gender expression does not match to their sex.

The most accepted way to rectify those two opposing things is for the person to live as their gender expression. This is more often than not includes hormone therapy, social expression of that gender and sometimes surgery.

Hope that helps.

How can we like know anything man?

It seems there is such a thing as needing to be cruel though.

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It’s cruel to humor peoples delusions.

No one is stopping anyone from doing so.

But, keep your hands off the kids.

Nah, a guy wanting to live his live as a woman or a woman wanting to live as a dude doesn’t hurt anyone.

Someone hasn’t looked at their suicide rates.

Don’t need to. Suiced rates are fueled by lack of acceptance for who they are.

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Always someone else’s fault.

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