Ever wonder how so called "civilized" countries could be so stupid?

Exhibit A.

The importation of massive numbers of Islam. No country on planet Earth has had their quality of life improved by bringing in hundreds of thousands of third world Muslims. Zero. Yet despite the violence, the chaos and the total lack of love for their new countries, leaders insist on destroying their cultures by injecting thousands of people in who have total contempt for non-Islamic culture. These “leaders” act like they owe it to Islam to surrender and Islamify their home countries. What’s up with this endless sucking up to Islam? Anybody have a clue?

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They are led by those who have been abandoned by the Lord because they knew about Him but did not know Him?

tHeY iNveNtEd aLgeBrA!


It’s because people confuse cultural superiority with racism. They’re actually two very different things.


That was a long time and many moons ago. The Islamic World has been a ■■■■ show for at least 200 years now. Islamic Golden Age hasn’t been a thing for over a thousand years now.

I guess that means a lot to the parents who’s child was gang raped by “Asians.”

I know the Harehills area of Leeds quite well and have a family friend that lives not to far away in Gipton.

What Briebart left out is that a lot of idiotic right wingers and those jusr lookjng for a bit of a ruck got stirred up on social media and decided to head to the area. This made a bad situation worse.

Breibart made no mention of the many people who tried to calm things including from the Islamic community.

It was started when the police were callee to assist social services with taking a baby into care from a Roma family, local youths used it as an excuse to start harassing the social workers and then the police. It all kicked off from there.

Lots of youths came into the area for the aggro which does not surprise me.

Rioting and criminal damage is not acceptable but this was nothing to do with Islam.


So they’re importing the enemy to prove they’re not racist?

Some of them are so stupid that yes, that is essentially what they are doing.

I see. It’s just a coincidence that this stuff always seems to happen in Islamic areas? Do you agree with my statement That third world Islam is not in alignment with western values? The more Islamic an area becomes the less free it becomes?


It’s like they’re tripping all over themselves trying to prove to the world how “tolerent” they are. Instead they’re proving how stupid they are.

There’s not much of a difference between the two.

One can admire other cultures and still recognize that their own western culture is superior and not be complete morons.

It’s not even superior, it’s contextual and compatible.

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I dunno man I’m of the opinion that western culture is superior to basically everything else out there. All the other cultures have really good things about them but they have at least bad thing that is really REALLY bad.

Islamic culture is like that. I admire their family dynamics, their architecture, that sort of stuff. But then you’ve got that one elephant in the room, the whole physical Jihad thing that ruins it. If it was just spiritual jihad, no big deal. But they got the physical version of it.

Because you’re a westerner.

And “western culture” doesn’t?

How far they’ve come from the invention of Al-Jabr.

That kind of rot is in all of our futures. Did some of you honestly believe anyone was gonna actually live on Mars in your lifetime?? :rofl:

Oh it has its own physical jihad level issue. It’s own self hatred. We should be proud of our western culture and what I our ancestors developed through trials and tribulations and a whole lot of war and revolution. But we act like we are ashamed of it. And that pisses me off.

As a kid I was overly influenced by Deep Space 9 and The Next Generation. Definitely Deep Space 9 because I literally tried to model myself on Captain Sisko. I was convinced we would be living in space in some capacity by the time I was an adult. Not full on Star Trek or even on Mars, but I thought we would hit the Gundam level living in space colonies around earth by the time I was in my 20s. I figured I might be one of those early colonists who volunteered to live in space.

Boy was I way wrong. Instead I feel more like we are heading towards Deus Ex (another sci-fi fiction that left a huge impact on me as a kid)

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They filled your head with science fiction instead of science. :wink:

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Since I’ve 12 or so years old, I’ve been pretty sure that I’d live to see a nuclear apocolypse, or some other end of the world as we know it.

We’re going to wipe ourselves out as a species long before we ever get to “colonizing space.”