Ever wonder how so called "civilized" countries could be so stupid?

Every one of those self-hating homeless bums screeching about humanity’s doom in the streets died with humanity carrying on without them as if they never existed, and so will the self-hating bums with jobs. :rofl:

“Western civilization” set the world on fire. Twice.

Aww man, it disappeared. :rofl:

We’ll have our own issues soon enough. A person can assimilate, a culture cannot.


We did. But those other cultures set their own fields and villages and cities on fire almost all the time.

We just had two really big ones.

We are going to see Deus Ex pretty soon if we aren’t careful.

Two big ones and 10,000 smaller ones.

That’s nature of mankind. We’ve been killing each other since our species first walked upright.

I don’t disagree. Including superior western civilization

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I’ve never trusted the types that say if we believe them and do everything they say we can overcome humanity’s basic urges and basic problems. A whole bunch of leftist thinkers push that ■■■■ all the time but if you follow their solutions, you end up with a body count that would make Genghis Khan blush. I think you have to love to learn to love humanity as a whole, problems and all. Including our own self destructive nature.

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An important component of modern lib ideology is all about so-called “diversity”, which is nothing but a form of racism against any country that is deemed “too white.” It’s based on the unsubstantiated view where the simple-minded lib says white = bad & black/brown = good. So, it’s not so much about Islam as it is about bringing in black/brown people, which is the racial makeup of 90% of Islam.


Leftists also tend to believe that Islam is a race instead of a religion. A religion which is an order of magnitude more hostile to progressive ideals than Christianity ever could have tried to be.

Which is a bit insane because Christianity was founded by a progressive minded thinker (who very much wasn’t white) and Islam was founded by someone who was clearly trapped in the romanticized past of his own time period.


They certainly don’t mean diversity of thought.

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Isn’t that the line used here? If you think uncontrolled, unvetted mass illegal immigration is wrong, you must be racist. Pure MSNBC.

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Modern libism has contempt for Christianity and Christians, which is the other reason (besides race) that they were willing to embrace Islam as Muslims from Middle Eastern countries became a more prominent voting block in the US. In the end all lib politicians care about is votes and finding ways to placate particular voting blocks.

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I don’t believe it’s due to their stupidity but due to their being traitors to their country and it’s happening across Europe plus here in the US.

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Bingo! :clap: :clap: :clap:

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