"Evangelical" trump doesn't recite Apostles' Creed at GHWB funeral


God what hilarity.


What was the punishment if one time while it was being recited, a member did not recite it?

The same punishment for wearing a tan suit.

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Where were you for the entirety of the Obama years? And the Bush years? One party picking at the other has been going on for a long time. You are kidding yourself if you think that Obama wouldn’t have caught crap for this. Yeah, it’s stupid, but the Rs would have been just as stupid if the shoe were on the other foot.

Probably UP when Trump was growing up.

That said, weall know Trump’s a nominal Presby at best.

Probably as nominal as I am.

I still say the Apostles Creed when I go to church with my mom for Christmas.

It’s the polite thing to do.

There would have been so many damned threads and posts from the angry Right religionists stating how President Obama not reciting the Apostle’s Creed was proof positive that he truly was a Moslem it would have made our heads spin.


Remember the outrage and threads here when he simply failed to put his hand over his heart like the others on stage during the National Anthem.

Yeah, no one on the Right would have even noticed him not reciting the Apostle’s Creed if it had been him instead of Trump.


My goodness Trumplicans are funny!

Is it polite if everybody knows you don’t believe it?

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Here is the thing… no one knows explicitly what I believe

One would think that the President, with Base rooted firmly in Christian Evangelicals would be there reciting along.

I am going with my theory that he needs reading glasses and is too vain to wear them in public.

I just find it funny that for eight years the tiniest stupid thing was always seen as a sign of disloyalty to the country but this gets a big old yawn.

It shows to me that maybe the outrage wasn’t all real… but maybe manufactured for political expediency.

Nah… no one would be that cynical.

I think it’s the same cognitive dissonance and willful blindness that has marked the political scene for years.

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Other posters on here claim that Trump worships every day.

If this is the case, why would he not recite Apostles Creed?

No, then it is just an insincere farce.

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Ask him…and the other posters. I don’t follow his worshiping habits personally, as I don’t consider it much of my business.

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Lol you voted for a sack of ■■■■ with no manners…

He didnt put his hand over his heart…oh who doesnt remember that talking point from the right…? I remember…lol

I don’t know if that poster still comes here.

Plus, I already know Trump doesn’t worship every day. That’s a falsehood. Its the “religious right” who clings to that notion.

Apostles creed is not for every Christian.
Not every Christian believes in saints, for example. You apparently are not well versed in Christian beliefs. Christians find denominations to worship with that are the closest match to their own beliefs. But protestants especially do not necessarily embrace every piece of dogma of their denomination…

Learn. I’m surprised that atheists are so misinformed. I thought they were supposed to be educated.

Even when I worshipped with Muslims, the Shiites - as a sect - believe in saints but individual worshippers have varying degrees of belief in saints.

When I’m at a funeral or wedding, and people are reading psalms or passages from the Bible, I read along. I am an atheist. But, in honor of the person or people whom I here to pay respect to, I go along. It doesn’t bother me, doesn’t hurt me.

I am not well-versed, in fact, I think religion is bunk. But that’s solely my opinion. And I do not really care to learn. I have other things in my life that are more valuable.

When I’m at a funeral or wedding, and people are reading psalms or passages from the Bible, I read along. I am an atheist. But, in honor of the person or people whom I here to pay respect to, I go along. It doesn’t bother me, doesn’t hurt me.

I am not well-versed, in fact, I think religion is bunk. But that’s solely my opinion. I don;t have time, nor want to give time to learn. I have more important things to focus on in my life.

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