Evacuation of US Embassy in Ukraine

What assurance can you offer that it’s not really happening?

They could just as easily take over the Ukraine they have support by the people. And from what I have seen they are deeply embedded in the police there.

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has the invasion happened yet?

Mark my words, we will be hearing

“I faced Putin down and he blinked, we didn’t blink, he did”

^^^ This is what this whole thing is about ^^^

meanwhile, back in the real world ask yourself this. What benefit is it to Russia to have invaded Ukraine now? Were they being let into NATO any time soon? The EU? What good does it do them or would it have?


The trick is to arm them just enough that they can inflict serious casualties on the Russians (Soviet throwbacks) until both sides are exhausted. Like we did for Iraq when they were fighting with Iran.

Heck, we aren’t even allowed to make comparative references to them in this Forum.

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Well, not since the Blues Brothers dealt with the last of them. :wink:

In this case, yes. The Ukrainian Nazis have much smaller ambitions than Putin.

In the real world?

Putin now has China in his corner more than ever before and most of this is for domestic consumption, where life is terrible for most Russians.

what possible benefit would russia gain by invading Ukraine? What is the benefit?

Ukraine cannot join NATO so long as there is unresolved conflict in Ukraine. Russia benefits be keeping the conflict on simmer for ever. Ukraine is already a buffer state, its not getting in the EU any time soon. Where is the payoff?

Add to that this is not the first time Russia has conducted similar military exercizes. It’s no different than we do in SK and our reaction right now is no different than NK.

Will Russia invade? Maybe, and maybe we’re creating a situation with our hyped up rhetoric that will push them to do it. Nothing we are doing would disuade them, thats for sure. If however, this is no different than other exercizes they’ve done before, wait to hear

“I faced Putin down, and he blinked, we didn’t blink, he did” likely followed by “Trump didn’t do that”


Kruty 1918

To the memory of the thirties
At the Askold Cemetery
They were buried,
The thirty martyrs-Ukrainians,
The glorious young…

At the Askold Cemetery
The Ukrainian bloom! —
By the bloody roadway
For us to follow into the world.

Onto whom has dared to rise
The betrayer’s hand?
Sun is blooming, wind is playing
And the Dnieper-river…

Against whom has Cain committed?
O, Lord, punish them!
Over everything they loved
It was their loved land.

They died in the New Testament
With the glory of saints.
At the Askold Cemetery
They were buried.

— Pavlo Tychyna, 1918 (free translation)

That Ukraine isn’t the one going on the offensive or Donbas? Which one?

The Ukraine thing is being pushed on Russian state television. I think Donbas is the goal. As i pointed out to @GWH, i agree with @Bill.in.PA, i just did a poor job nothing that

I disagree with the pushing part only because Russia do what Russia will do but everything else i think you are 100 percent right.

Why would they be pushed to do it?

Nothing says “I agree with you” like “Holy crap did you buy into propaganda with ease.”


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Right. Lol. I made a boo-boo

Trump didn’t give the neo-nazis in Charlottesville tiki torches, but this is somehow better?

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He gave them lethal weapons in Ukraine.

Was that bad?

Interestingly enough, that is still Ukraine’s problem. Address one problem at a time.

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Oh, it’s our problem now. The people in office will see to that. :rofl:

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