Ethics violations and removal from office

There are multiple competing narratives on Trump and collusion. Many Republicans say there was no collusion and The FBI and DOJ conspired to frame trump. The most recent is Mark Meadows. They point to multiple firings as evidence of wrongdoing.

Democrats say these arguments are just obfuscating the truth and trying to undermine Mueller. They say there is plenty of evidence and impeach 45. They use the multiple guilty pleadings as evidence of a deeper plot.

These two arguments are diametrically opposed and cannot both be right. One side has to be blatantly and purposefully misleading.

It would be easy to determine the truth if the evidence were made public and Trump has that power.

However, he has not done it, which implies it is not exculpatory.

somebody is telling the truth and others are lying. they are doing it purposefully.

If the Republicans are creating a false narrative simply to protect Trump and the party, they are obstructing justice and should be expelled from elected office by the ethics committee.

If the democrats are bringing false charges they should be removed from office as well, as it is a crime to file a false report.

Politicians should not be able to engage in unethical behavior without consequences. None of us can.

ask yourself why Trump will not release the information so we know who is telling the truth. If it supports the dems the republicans should be charged with obstruction.

if it supports the republican argument the false accusation should be punished. One side cannot be trusted.

Which side is it?

Both sides. The sooner Americans start learning the neither of the parties are honest, and that includes Trump the better off they will be.

To whit, I suspect most half way intelligent people already know this so then it becomes so stupid battle in their head of which one is less bad, and self interest.

if it is both sides then voters are to blame

Due to my belief that DC was as corrupt as I’d ever seen it, I voted for an eccentric businessman instead of a politician. I believe that this same corrupt DC, is now using every tactic they know to remove him and return to their corrupt status quo. This is what I refer to as the swamp and they need to be exposed and prosecuted. I just hope that our country has not become so polarized that when the truth is revealed, “we the people” can control our emotions, set politics aside and reunite in the truth.


Most enlightening thing you’ve said in quite some time.


The political parties take extreme positions for political purposes. You have to kind of take their positions with a grain of salt to objectively see reality on any given topic.

I believe there is a deeply entrenched liberal culture in the Federal Government (deep state). I also believe some bad actors within that deep state did everything in their power to keep Trump from winning. I believe they are now doing everything in their power to undermine his Presidency.

I don’t believe Trump simply declassifying documents would be the answer. I believe it would do more harm than good, and I believe he is being counseled to tread carefully.

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The problem is he’s not fighting the swamp…he’s building a new one.

If he is, when I can acknowledge that as the truth, I will turn on him.

So tired of this idiotic excuse that Trump isn’t a politician so the “establishment” wants him removed. What a bunch of lazy BS,

Trump is egregiously unfit for office. Anyone with half a brain can see that.

How in the name of God do you not see how much more corrupt Trump is than what you even see at government’s worst? Unreal.

I am just wondering if there is undeniable proof of decades of Trump laundering money for the Russian Mob/Oligarchs… what will the Trumpist response be?

question is then, why not release the documents.

what then is reality and what do you base your stance on?

It’s a great question that I also have asked myself for a while now?

They will say he did this before becoming prez. And that he was a citizen and God will forgive him.

what harm would it do? One side is obviously lying and there should be repercussions

Really egregiously unfit?! The economy is booming, record lows and highs on unemployment, jobs, tax cuts and more and President Trump has done more then the previous 4 Presidents combined, if that is unfit what the heck does it make them? Anyone with an IQ of one above plant life should be able to see the positive results for the country.

And “God help them” it must be the Devil (and low IQ) that prevents them from seeing the corruption of the Democrats, Deep State and Mueller!

Let us pray! :pray:

Given the depth and breadth of the deep state, I believe it could have serious negative repercussions. I believe much of it will come out over time, but probably not as fast as we would like. I’ve also got to believe Trump would declassify this stuff in a heartbeat if he could, but I’m betting saner heads are prevailing and advising against it.

whatever the response would be, do you think that democrats should be treated the same way?

the same thoughts have crossed my mind but bit is just speculation on our parts.

one side is obfuscating and they are unfit to serve on the grounds that they are purposefully undermining their oath of office.