Enough is enough, Hunter Biden deserves a break

Who is going to win?

Go ask Pocohaontas what she thinks of Mikey

Who is going to win what?

You said, “This is all about the 2020 presidential election.”. Go follow the bouncing ball. :rofl::grinning::rofl::grinning::rofl::grinning::rofl::grinning::rofl::grinning:

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The Democrat nominee is the first part of that process to be determined. At this stage it is too early to determine who will be the Democrat nominee. Until that is settled who will actually win the 2020 presidential nominee is very much uncertain.

So you will not say what you think :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I believed President Trump will easily win a second term :us: Trump four more years :us:

Just when think we should be nice to the Biden lad and his Daddy, the news media prints this.

Hunter Biden scandals explained: Ukraine, China, drug history and more
“From his eyebrow-raising dealings in Delaware, China, and Ukraine to controversies involving drug use and child support, Hunter Biden is no stranger to …” crazy ■■■■■ Good golly is this ■■■■ true?

I am trying to be sensitive to the lad and his Daddy. But he and his Daddy may as ■■■■■■ up as a soup sandwich

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I have said that it is too early to determine who will be the Democrat nominee. With respect to the presidential election if Bloomberg is not the Democrat nominee but he puts his financial and organisational support behind the Democrat nominee Trump will struggle.

I’ll move along when I want to. Not when some internet tough guy tells me to. K?

Instead insurance companies should decide?

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Wait… when have i ever promoted the ideology of birthers?..


Pocohaontas really told Mikey off last night. I have her a standing ovation. Sleepy Joe at least was not snoring but should have moved on already. The only important thing that Bernie said was telling the audience where the voting place would be and to go vote. Most of the others were lackluster and should have skipped the debate.

Lol the fantasy continues. Nobody has been able to tell me why Garland was so extreme. Not one.

I can easily change insurance companies, government, not so much.

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People who rely on their employer for insurance, not so much. I’d rather rely on triage.

Really? I am fairly certain changing employers is still a million times easier than changing governments, or is it a billion?


Ever wonder why people stay in jobs they absolutely hate?

They’re stupid?