Elizabeth Warren Proposes a Market-Based Plan to Promote the Shift to Clean Energy

Invest $2 trillion over the next ten years in green research, manufacturing, and exporting

$200 billion a year. Or the annual reduction in revenue due to the Trump tax cuts.

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No. It’s a plan that let’s the market decide. How do you think markets operate?

Horse hockey

She has a plan to put restrictions on one industry, and help anouther along. That is anti market-based completely. Now is she put the same exact restrictions on both industries, and gave both industries the exact same help . . . THEN consumers could chose the one they want.

I don’t believe for a second that a firm can claim no risk, at least not without providing information to the government that backs that up. Otherwise, what’s the point? Wouldn’t all of these places then claim no risk, rendering Warren’s plan useless?

Pretty much every major company does this they just don’t publish their results its only shared with share holders.

Well, yeah, injecting capital into private r&d is capitalism.

Businesses have an opt out. They can declare zero risk. They can declare reduced risk from ignoring climate change. Then Investors decide. Why is that not a market solution?

This plan doesn’t put restriction on any industry it simply would make already produced information public, every single company on the NYSE does a climate impact study.

Cause you can control the sun, earthquakes, volcanoes, meteorites and the like, right?

Based on the projected path of your party, your grandkids would be gobsmacked to find a copy of a banned book depicting a life free of government regulation in their daily lives.

This coming from the party who current leader think publishing critical news is Treason.

well, that was a total dodge from what i posted.

You made a prediction. So did I.

America invest 650 billion a year into military, but can’t invest 200 billion into energy.

Oh, sorry, I missed this part and wanted to respond directly.

Sorry, but climate change is already being market tested, no? If there’s one thing I know about greed is that it knows no bounds nor does it pick favorites. If there’s money to be made in clean energy, worry not, clean energy we will have.

Which is constitutional, which isn’t?

How is requiring companies to publish data unconstitutional.
there is nothing unconstitutional with what is addressed in the OP.

Which is constitutional, which is not?

Pretty much every single energy company in the world is massively investing in green tech.

It’s a push…you dont think they get tax breaks already because they are pushing towards greener energy…

Or you dont think government and private should go hand and hand?

In the article where you clipped out what she said she points this out.

Next time use the whole quote snow.

Are you suggesting Government seniece research is unconstitutional?