Elizabeth Warren Proposes a Market-Based Plan to Promote the Shift to Clean Energy

if the government is involved then “free market” is a misnomer

The accepted role of government is whatever the people vote on it to be, barring constitutional limits, of course. That doesn’t make every piece of proposed legislation a great idea, though.

And really, my point was your claim of this being market based isn’t totally true.

Widely discussed.

Let’s see your hand.

Government interference has nothing to do with capitalism. The operative word is Government mandate.

Google PCAOB. — it will enhance the discussion.

Interesting. A private sector board created by a government law.

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*[quote=“SneakySFDude, post:25, topic:200696, full:true”]

Let’s see your hand.

Washington Examiner 10/5/18. Look it up. Trump did back off and offered no alternative.

China and India will be on board.

Government mandate. You and Warren can call it a market solution, but it really isn’t.

Trust me, it won’t enhance the discussion.

Gm is doing this already…look at lordstown…

Market based approach my ass.

From your article:

That’s why I’ve proposed a historic $2 trillion investment in researching, developing, and manufacturing clean energy technology here in America so that we can lead the global effort to slash greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and beyond.

Let that sink in. 2 trillion dollars. The entire federal budget is less than 4 trillion. Doesn’t say over how many years, or where she will come up with the money. Throwing that much cash at it is NOT a market-based approach.

And that’s why I’ve proposed a set of executive actions I’ll take on day one of the Warren Administration to stop drilling and promote renewables on public lands.

This is completely 100% anti market-based. If she truely wanted market bases, she would give all equall access and opportunity. This is trying to kill the one she doesn’t like in favor of what she supports.

requiring companies to publicly disclose both of these types of climate-related risks. It directs the Securities and Exchange Commission to issue rules that make every public company disclose detailed information, including the likely effect on the company if climate change continues at its current pace and the likely effect on the company if the world successfully restricts greenhouse gas emissions to meet the targets of the Paris Agreement

Once again her proposal is 100% anti market-based by requiring companies to disclose how climate change WILL effect their business (not may or won’t but WILL effect).

My plan also requires the SEC to tailor these disclosure requirements for specific industries so that, for instance, fossil fuel companies will have to make even more detailed disclosures.

Again, anti market based by requiring the thing she doesn’t like to desclose more details than those she likes/agree’s with.

My plan will push more investors to move their money out of the fossil fuel industry, accelerating the transition to clean energy.

Really OP – is this REALLY your idea of Market-based approach. A plan that will accelerate a transition away from what the politician doesn’t like into what she likes and agree’s with???

Somehow I think you may have typed this with a straight face. Everything I listed is government butting in and demanding change instead of letting the market chance it at it’s own pace.

With the proposals she has made, she should be no where near the white house, and shouldn’t be in congess!

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You think all the government money and regulations she proposes is capitalism???

Nearly every point in the proposal in your OP link is anti free market.

They are already doing that…

Why? A firm is free to claim no risk. Investors are free to judge. I think the frightening thing is this is s market test of climate change and all you state capitalists are scared to take that bet.

I accept climate change, but am willing to have the market prove me wrong. Want the other side of the bet?

If a business chooses to do it all on it’s own. YES it is market based.

The poposal in the op is a REQUIMENT to do something.

Huge difference.

You’re not going to sway the global warming advocates or the social justice warriors.

IMO, every democrat throwing their hat in the ring is trying to see who can one-up the other on free stuff or far left trigger issues.

Quite frankly, I find them embarrassing to this country. None of them should be anywhere near the White House or in Congress.

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i have no idea if we’re really “Animal Housing” the planet but if we are there are gonna be a ton of grand kids, great grand kids and great great grand kids who be looking at the people who let it happen and saying “WHY THE ■■■■ DID YOU DO THIS TO US?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?”.

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