Not true. She claimed it each year from 1986 to 1994. She moved to Harvard in 1995. She didn’t need it after she got the job at Harvard.
Are you sure? I heard it was the National Spear and Atlatl Association.
Do we need to just update that to POTUShontas?
Notice she didn’t mention her affinity for tomahawks and arrows. She’s sneaky that way
Pretty easy to make that pledge considering there’s not a snowballs chance in hell the NRA would send her a penny.
Neither of her parents belonged to any tribe, the story is complete BS.
Her total share of “Indian blood” is 1/1024th that means at most each of her parents is 1/512th.
There is proof to the contrary.
Her DNA test showed maybe one AmerIndian ancestor, 6 to 10 generations removed.
She has less Indian blood than the average American.
Welcome to the forums.
Most fake Indians are people of principle.
I remember how principled Ward Churchill was.
Except if La Raza donated to him he’d take it and tweet what an amazing organization they are.
Trump supporters (we know, you claim not to be) chirping about principles is cute.
I doubt the veracity of this statement. Perhaps a Pow-wow is in order.
Elizabeth Warren cannot beat Trump in the next election. The dem candidate with the best chance of beating Trump is Biden.
He projects a certain gravitas and calm after the past few years of crazy Trump. I think that “image” will resonate more strongly with the independent and floating voters.
However I have aways said Trump will be a two term president. Trump has incumbent history on his side and the economy is ticking along nicely right now.
What most of us on here forget is the vast majority of the electorate unlike posters on this forum do not care about politics, they do not delve into every story except for what passes by them in the newspaper and on social media. They vote more based on how they feel on the day than from any strong deep rooted political convictions.
I pretty much agree with this.
I don’t agree with you assessment of Biden. Biden is a poor primary candidate. He proved that both in 1988 and 2008.
In 1988 he was ran out of the primaries because of his blatant lies and plagiarism. Only a few days ago Biden was caught plagiarizing again. Gravitas is exactly what Biden does not have. He’s a walking gaffe machine. Trump may be worse, but Biden will never be able to face Trump. He won’t make it out of the primaries.
Joe Biden accused of plagiarizing parts of new climate platform | Fox News
You are spot on with his plagiarism but you are forgetting that Trump has really lowered the bar as to what we expect from a President.
Only time will tell if his previous unsuccessful bids will hurt him. Will those voters who are to young to remember that even care?
Whoever the candidate ends up being if they try and take the high road in the debates they will get stomped on by Trump. They need to get as personal, nasty and vindictive as Trump is. Which leads me back to the fact Trump is lowering the bar. This is not how I want our elected representatives to act, on either side.
Good post!
Biden’s problem won’t be the people who remember his 1988 and 2008 runs, it’s that what made him a poor candidate then, will make him a poor candidate this time, as well.
If the Democrats win, it will be with Democrat and Independent voters. I don’t think Trump has made them accepting of lies and corruption in a president. After Trump is gone, I don’t think Republicans will want any more of it.
Trump is a one time phenomenon. He came along at exactly the right time with the right message against the right opponent.
Except they won’t. She would take the wampum from the NRA.
That’s the medication.
Thanks for the great discussion on this. I think you are onto something about Trump being a one time phenomenon. I will have to ponder that some more.
Trump is a one time phenomenon. He came along at exactly the right time with the right message against the right opponent.
Spot on.