Electric only transportation. What happens when the power goes out an extended time

Electric charging stations can also have generator backup. I really don’t see the problem here.

Have you seen the list of the products that uses oil? It’s not only gasoline it is pretty terrifying long list of things that are used by oil.

Who said anything about “electric only?” Most people recognize it’s not all or nothing.

Yes. The far left. The far right is nuts also.

This, my Liberal friends is why we can’t nominate Warren et al.

Liberals and conservatives both have good ideas but then the radicals in the parties go too far.

Nominate Warren and the man child in the WH will likely have a second term.

Yeah, we’re coming for the guns too I hear. All of us. Not just the far left. There’s no honesty in politics- I guess there never was.

If the power is out, you can’t pump gas into your care either.

We haven’t eliminated the horse and buggy, we’ve replaced it. There was no need to regulate against the horse and buggy (although the current animal safety laws would make commuting by horse and buggy a problem.)

There isn’t any push to eliminate the Internal Combustion engine, but a lot of push to find tech that will replace it.

I know what happens. When my area lost power for twelve days following a hurricane all the gas stations shut down because they did not have the power to run their operations. But in your rush to condemn politicians on the left you didn’t account for that.

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