Electric only transportation. What happens when the power goes out an extended time

That is why the US made the strategic oil reserve. So that if the bad counties stopped selling us oil, the military/government could keep running.

And how is that going to happen? And for how long of a time?

Not only that, but even if the pumps could operate during a power outage, if there were some catastrophe causing the chaos, you could expect that all the gas stations would be pumped empty by the end of the day.


You can’t fill up at a gas station without power either.

It’s almost like there is planning for catastrophes…


How are you going to power the internal combustion engine with no gas?

Its not going to happen overnight we can’t just switch off fossil fuel they are the backbone of everything, but maybe in 100 years? who knows we just have to keep working on advancing technology.

It’s pointless to try and make a prediction about something based on today’s infrastructure when the infrastructure that supports an electric energy base will be different

Our power base is optimized for fossil fuels.

And no one is pushing us off fossil fuels immediately. That’s your misunderstanding as to what the “12 years” comment is all about…coupled with AOC having a flair for dramatics.

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Yes…more like supercapacitors.

We crack that…would be a game changer.

And of course someone will. Capitalism.

Are they making plans for when the gas and diesel engin are outlawed, or will the miltary have an exemption from liberals?

And besides that – in the OP I’m talking civilian. You know busses for mass transit. Individual cars to get around. The electric scooters (that by the way many liberal cities are now deciding to ban). And non military emergency services and power companies.

Is it okay to argue with hyperbole or should we just walk away from it?

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No, we’re too busy stuck debating people who’s root problems revolve around acting like the gas engine is about to be outlawed.


no one is seriously trying to outlaw fossil fuel, even the green new deal doesn’t outline banning them.

even if you read the new green deal it doesn’t outlaw anything it push for a plan to transfer the power grind to renewable within “x” years. of course we don’t know how long that would take because no one has hired a bunch of nerds to sit down at a time and plan a new power grind.

How do you know that?

How do you know no one at the department of energy under Obama sat down looked at it, looked at the bottom line $$ and said “there is no way in HELL we can ever sell this to the public for that price!”

I would assume such a report would be public by now.

and it will cost trillions but so building the first one.

This isn’t some sort of conspiracy.

And if they did?

Either way, in reality, no one is outlawing the gasoline, diesel, oil. Your entire premise seems to be built around the wild idea that’s a thing. Let’s deal with reality before imagination.

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