Economic Patriotism

Moving the goal posts are we?

Tell me…what’s the difference between “democrats” and “liberals”.

This should be good. Hell I might start a thread on it.

interesting article. The dates are even more interesting.

Indeed thank god for the pipeline infrastructure form 2011

And itsnt a sleazy car salesman, so that’s bonus points as well.

He did. Obama went after China in a way that would have reduced our purchasing from China.

Trump is going after China is a way that will result in more purchasing from china.

I did not mention Democrats. There are liberals in the Democratic party, but not enough to promote/enact liberal ideals. We are getting closer as of late.

You really think Obama governed like a liberal, when he got a conservative health plan enacted…w/out a single vote from a Republican?


So what’s the difference between a liberal and democrat?

Communism/Socialism/Liberalism has never worked because they did it wrong.

Those two do.

It’s happening. They aren’t built in a day.

You’re going to try to give credit to obama for fossil fuel now?

No. I don’t give credit to presidents for naturally occurring resources and more importantly i would never give a president credit for the private investment that preceded his presidency or his policies.

I don’t think shale oil has anything to do with Obama or Trump. I believe frackign and shale oil are not the boogeyman many people argue it is.

So what are you talking about 2011?

You said Trump is making it rain, according to the article some of the infrastructure changes occurred in 2011. The article also mentions private companies moves occurring in 2015 due to the change in infrastructure.

Not sure what Trump and rain have to do with it. It had nothing to do with Obama

Go listen to some speeches by FDR.

Only recently have Democrats started talking with his vision.


Liberal democracy has done quite will since WW2.

Although many conservatives are trying to undo it. In some ways, they have been successful, and it has hurt many.

No more then Republican equates to conservative.

In spite of Obama. He fought pipelines tooth and nail.

Those two do.

“Vision”. :rofl: