East Palestine: Biden's amazing success in environmental equity

Interesting question. FEMA absolves itself of any involvement deferring to the railroad as having sole responsibility.

Give it time. AlGore should be scrambling for his paycheck once the all clear is given. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

That seems like a terrible decision. All that railroad cared about was getting their traks open ASAp I’m sure…

STEVE DOOCY (FOX HOST): Speaking of the White House, apparently regulations regarding train safety were changed during the Trump Administration. This particular railroad and others lobbied President Trump to dismantle an Obama-era rule that would have required railroads to update their braking systems.

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The industries she shakes down don’t intentionally hurt the environment, not that she cares anyway. Her and her ilk are just looking for $ and control. If the elites thought the railroad had buckets of cash to be exploited she would be there, chaining herself to a tree stump by the creek.

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This train wasn’t marked at that level so even had it remained in place it would have made no difference.


Yeah but Trump……


I think we can agree when it comes to train safety standards no administration has clean hands.


Since they were obviously aware, why didn’t Biden reverse the rule?!?!?


Now the fake articles are rolled out.

at least they haven’t blamed Snidely Whiplash…

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Which fake articles?

Mmmmmmmmmk… So Trump was wrong on this.

Democrats have been in charge for the last 2 years. Why didn’t they fix that?

You want to make it Trumps fault when the democrats had total control 2 years and they did NOTHING, and now they are still doing NOTHING.


As i have said before no administration has clean hands. We can say Trump contributed to this situation but Biden has been President for 2 years now and done nothing to correct it.

I agree that Biden as current President has the buck stopping with him.

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Thank you. I truly don’t understand why there is such a minimal response. This is an environmental disaster. I’m not an environmentalist but I don’t want toxic waste strewn all over either. Mercy… The water is contaminated all the way to the Ohio river. It will be going all the way to New Orleans. Hopefully it will break down fast and be so diluted it won’t be so severe for those downriver…

No sorry, you can’t blame Trump at all, the reg he rolled back was for trains deemed hazardous material, this particular train did not have that designation.

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The train met the criteria?



Fair enough. Though my point stands that previous admins as well as the current one have done little.